Nick’s Quick Wits-Two Different Eras, Two Sets Of Stars, Two Different Reactions

In wrestling, you have that stand out superstar who can be considered, “The Guy.” When I started watching back in the Attitude Era, there were two superstars who could be in that category, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Rock. Today, WWE is attempting to re-create that magic with John Cena and Randy Orton, except their failing.



The reason Austin and The Rock were over as much as they were is because the crowd was interested in literally every move they made. That’s not the case with Cena and Orton. The WWE Universe is tired of Cena and Orton, and WWE still insists on putting them in the spotlight. Back in the day, you never saw signs saying “If Austin wins we riot” or “If Rock wins we demand refunds.” That’s because crowds tuned in to see them win, while crowds today want to see Cena and Orton put other stars over. Cena and Orton were WWE made stars that they forced to the top, while Austin and Rock were self-made stars. Fans want to see the self-made stars, which is why people like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are as over as they are today, while with forced, WWE made stars, they have gimmicks made by the company’s view, which generally differs from what the fans want. Fans have been tired of Cena and Orton for years, while during their prime, fans were never tired of Austin and The Rock.

Personally speaking, for me, it’s becoming more of a chore to watch Raw at the moment. I’m sure I’m not alone in this feeling. If you want people to watch your show, give them what they want, not what you think they want. The lack of interest in Cena and Orton is clearly stating that fans don’t want to see them at the top anymore. Unfortunately for them, WWE doesn’t recognize that, and the stars the fans want to see, don’t get the spotlight they deserve.

Until next time, watch for what you want to see, while suffering through what they want you to see

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