TNA iMPACT Report – March 8th

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[Q1] The new entrance theme and video kicked off the show. Pyro went off on the stage in front of the new set. Mike Tenay and Taz introduced the show and said the main event tag match would be happening sooner than people think. A shot aired of Dixie Carter standing in the crowd…

Hulk Hogan and Abyss made a simultaneous entrance as Hogan’s NWO music played. Hogan came out in the red and yellow gear, while Abyss debuted a new black outfit. A shot aired of Brooke Hogan cheering her father in the crowd. The Impact Zone went nuts for Hogan and Abyss.

Hogan took the mic and soaked up the “Hogan” chants from the live crowd. Hogan cut a promo about the main event match and said it was time to take care of business. The crowd interrupted him with loud “TNA” chants. Hogan called Abyss “big brother” and said there was no reason to wait around. Hogan said Flair and Styles should get ready now.

Hulk said he’s going to take TNA “to infinity and beyond.” He said Flair and Styles changed the rules by leaving him in a pool of blood in front of his own family. Hogan said it’s TNA’s “reckoning day.” Another shot aired of Brooke clapping for her father. Hogan told Flair and Styles to “bring your asses down to the ring.” Another shot aired of a smiling Dixie Carter. A.J. Styles music played as he and Ric Flair came to the ring dressed in their ring gear. Flair and Styles removed their ring robes.

1. Hulk Hogan and Abyss vs. Ric Flair and A.J. Styles. Abyss went right after Styles to start the match. Styles tagged out and Flair entered. Abyss was in control until Flair hit him with a low blow. Hogan entered the ring for the first time (not officially) and went after Flair. Styles nailed Hogan with a Pele kick.

The lights went out and Sting’s music played. When Sting’s music stopped playing, Sting was standing in the ring with a baseball bat. (about nine minutes into the show). Sting squared looked at the heels, but then attacked Hogan and Abyss with the baseball bat.

(about nine minutes into the show). Sting squared looked at the heels, but then attacked Hogan and Abyss with the baseball bat. Sting left the ring. Styles grabbed a chair and hit Abyss with it. Hogan bladed heavily. They showed a great shot of a concerned Brooke at ringside.

While lying on the mat, Hogan took the mic and said “This ain’t over.” Hogan said they would “finish this” before the night is over. Hogan said Flair changes the rules, but Hogan keeps changing the game. Hogan said they are going to have a no DQ match later in the show… [C]

A shot aired of Sting walking through the backstage area. He was confronted by Dixie Carter. He pushed her by the chest against the interview set and said, “I owe you nothing, Dixie. Nothing.” Sting walked away…

Taz complained about Sting’s conduct with Dixie…

Jeremy Borash interviewed Styles and Flair. Styles said there are no do-overs in wrestling. Flair said he was fine with it because he came out of retirement to finish the job. He vowed that Hogan and Abyss would be sent out of the building in an ambulance…

Backstage, Abyss threw a hissy fit while pounding his fist against the wall and asking, “Why, Sting?”… [C]

Backstage, Hogan’s girlfriend Jennifer consoled a shaken Brooke Hogan, who said her father isn’t okay. She said he’ll pretend like he is, but he’s clearly not…

Frankie Kazarian stood in the ring and said he came back to TNA to reignite the flame of the X Division. He said that if TNA is going to war, “let the warriors of the X Division lead us into battle.” Daniels interrupted him by cutting a promo on his way to the ring. Daniels said he would be the man to lead the X Division into battle. He said he’s the man who was X Division for ten years before X Division meant anything.

Daniels climbed inside the ring and said he was telling Eric Bischoff and the world that he is carrying the X Division to the highest of heights. “Because I am X,” Daniels said. He received more boos than cheers.

Doug Williams came out wearing the X Division Title belt around his waist. He said the X Division is alive and well. Kaz said Williams might the X Champion, but wondered where he was when he and others were pioneering the division. Daniels cut him off and said Kaz hasn’t done anything in the division that he cares about. Kaz referred to Daniels as a selfish prick.

Eric Bischoff walked onto the stage. He recalled Hogan calling and asking him to come to TNA to “help turn things around.” Bischoff said he couldn’t wait and one of the reasons is because of the X Division. He praised the division and said he wants it to “run bigger, faster, and stronger.” Bischoff announced Daniels vs. Kaz vs. Williams for the title and said it was starting right away…

2. Doug Williams defeated Frankie Kazarian and Daniels in a three-way for the X Division Title in 6:45. Good action that was well received by the hot live crowd. Kaz flipped over the top rope while diving onto both opponents on the floor in a cool spot.

[Q3] Tenay said he just received word that Dixie would have a huge announcement regarding Sting after the match. They aired a quick shot of Dixie backstage. Back in the ring, the action continued with the three men trading offense. Williams was knocked to the floor. Daniels went for the BME, but Kaz moved. Meanwhile, Williams recovered and hit an impressive suplex into a bridge for the clean pin on Daniels.

After the match, Shannon Moore hit the ring and attacked Doug Williams. Bischoff came out and announced that Moore would challenge Williams at the Destination X pay-per-view…

Backstage, Dixie Carter announced that Sting will wrestle a match on tonight’s show. When Borash asked who the opponent was, she said he’d find out at the same time as everyone else… [C]

The commercial cut-in featured a shot of The Beautiful People warming up for their match…

Mike Tenay announced that Awesome Kong and Hamada had been stripped of the TNA Knockouts Tag Titles for failing to defend their titles…

[Q4] 3. The Beautiful People defeated Taylor Wilde and Sarita, and Tara and Angelina Love in a three-way tag for the TNA Knockouts Tag Titles. In the end, Daffney ran out and hit Tara with one of the tag title belts, which set up Madison Rayne pinning Tara for the win…

Backstage, SoCal Val interviewed D’Angelo Dinero. Pope didn’t get to say much before Desmond Wolfe attacked him. Tenay said Pope vs. Wolfe is scheduled for later in the show. Wolfe removed Pope’s boot and used a chain to strike Pope’s injured ankle. Wolfe left Pope lying…

A shot aired of Sting walking in the backstage area. “What were you doing at 4:20 this afternoon?” Taz asked… [C]

Backstage, Borash interviewed The Beautiful People, who gloated over being new tag champs. Borash called for champagne so the women could celebrate their victory. They celebrated with it and dumped it over his head…

Sting came to the ring with a baseball bat in hand. The announcers built up the mystery of who the opponent would be despite Taz’s tease earlier. New entrance music played as an “RVD” graphic was shown on the big screen. Sting didn’t look pleased…

4. Rob Van Dam pinned Sting in 0:10. Van Dam entered through the crowd to a huge pop. Sting was looking at the entrance when Van Dam climbed onto the top rope and then came down with a big kick on Sting. Van Dam followed up with Rolling Thunder and scored the quick pin. Sting was kicking out at three.

As Van Dam was celebrating after the match, Sting recovered and nailed him in the gut with the baseball bat. Sting hit him with several baseball bat shots. Three referees came out to escort Sting to the back. He took them out with bat shots.

[Q5] Sting headed back to the ring. Hulk Hogan’s music played. Hogan came out and Bubba The Love Sponge came out with him and tried to hold him back. Security also stood between Hogan and Sting. Hogan fought them off and was able to get to the ring, but they stopped him.

Sting motioned for Hogan to join him in the ring. Sting took a couple more shots at RVD while security held Hogan. Sting took one jab at Hogan’s stomach with the bat. As security was helping Hogan head backstage, Sting ran after him and nailed Hogan with a couple more bat shots that left Hogan lying on the stage.

At ringside, Tenay and Taz spoke about Sting. Tenay said he was personally disappointed. Taz questioned what was going through Sting’s mind. They agreed that there must be a reason. Tenay stressed that Sting told Dixie earlier that he doesn’t owe her an explanation. Tenay said Dixie is the person who always goes to bat for him…

A shot aired of Bischoff sitting in a chair in the interview area. It looked like a production error, but Tenay said Bischoff looked shocked by Sting’s actions…

Kevin Nash and Eric “Grease Lightning” Young headed to the ring for a promo.

Nash said he had a contract in hand that would permit Scott Hall and Sean Waltman to face them one night only at Destination X. Tenay questioned whether they were in the building as the show went to break. [C]

During the cut-in, a shot aired of Hall and Syxx-Pac walking in the backstage area… After the break, Nash and Young were still waiting in the ring with the contract in hand. Nash took the mic and called out his former running mates as the crowd chanted “Hall is wasted.”

Hall and Waltman finally made it into the building. Meanwhile, security entered the ring and stood behind Nash and Young. Hall and Waltman finally entered the ring. Hall called Nash “big sellout” and asked if he was Hogan’s stooge now. Hall said that in case Nash missed what Sting did to Hogan, “Hogan ain’t running the shizow.”

Nash said he and Waltman want to be part of TNA because it’s starting to get cool. Hall said he and Waltman want “fat money contracts” if they beat Nash and Young at the pay-per-view. Eric Bischoff appeared on the monitor. He said he would make sure that Bischoff and Waltman would get their contracts if they won at the pay-per-view. Bischoff said they’re finished in TNA if they lose the match.

Nash said he guesses this means he’ll see Hall at the pay-per-view. “I’ll be the one who looks like Elvis,” Hall said. They shook hands. Meanwhile, Waltman slapped Young across the face. They fought briefly. Bischoff appeared on the screen again. He ordered security to get Nash and Hall away from ringside while Young got his match with Waltman…

[Q6] 5. Eric Young beat Sean Waltman in 1:15. They fought the match in street clothes. Waltman got in a big kick, but Young won the match with a piledriver…

A shot aired of several soldiers arriving in a vehicle with the Army logo on the side… [C]

A large group of soldiers came out and stood in two rows facing one another. Kurt Angle came out wearing a suit and walked between them. The soldiers then surrounded the ring with their backs against the guardrail. Once in the ring, Angle said, “Mr. Anderson, as you can see I brought out some of my closest friends tonight.” He said the soldiers are the men and women who sacrifice everything to represent our country. The crowd chanted “USA.”

Angle said they are the men and women who choose to leave their families behind to stand up for what we believe in. Angle said Mr. Anderson spit on those men and women. “Winning a gold medal is nothing compared to what these people do for our country,” Angle said. Kurt feels it’s his duty to defend the soldiers when people like Anderson degrade them. Kurt said he would kick Anderson’s ass up and down the Impact Zone at the Destination X pay-per-view.

Mr. Anderson appeared on the big screen at the interview set. He called the soldiers high school dropouts and told Angle to stop grandstanding. Angle attacked Anderson on the interview set, which is located on the side of the stage. Once in the ring, Anderson got a shot in on Angle. He started to leave the ring, but the soldiers stood in his way.

They threw Anderson in the ring. Angle roughed him up and threw him back to ringside where the soldiers beat up Anderson. Rinse and repeat. Angle hit the Angle Slam on Anderson. Kurt grabbed an American flat. He spat on the fallen Anderson and then waved the American flag. The soldiers entered the ring and put Angle on their shoulders…

[Q7] [C] Backstage, Bubba The Love Sponge tried to talk Hulk Hogan out of wrestling. Earl Hebner showed up and asked for a second chance. Hogan tried to blow him off, but Bubba gave a speech about getting second chances. Hogan said he loves Hebner and will be honored to be in the ring with him. Hulk said Nick is watching in California and is worried along with the rest of his family, so he wants Hebner to call off the match if he doesn’t think Hogan can continue…

The announcers ran through the Destination X lineup: Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me in a Ultimate X tag team contenders match, Hall and Waltman vs. Nash and Young, Angle vs. Anderson, and A.J. Styles vs. Abyss for the TNA Title…

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett spoke with Mick Foley briefly. He approached James Storm and said he was being forced into the upcoming match and wondered if Beer Money were also being forced into it. Storm said they volunteered for the match. Jarrett pointed out everything he’s done for Storm, who said it’s all about what he can do. Jarrett punched Storm. Robert Roode attacked Jarrett from behind… [C]

6. Beer Money beat Jeff Jarrett in a handicap match in 3:45. Mick Foley was the special referee and he wore a suit. He took it off quickly and revealed his homemade referee shirt. Tenay plugged TNA Epics for next week. In the ring, Storm hit the Eye of the Storm on Jarrett.

[Q8] Storm grabbed his beer bottle and tried to spit beer in Jarrett’s eyes, but he moved, so Roode took the beer bath. Jarrett made his comeback and dumped both members of Beer Money to ringside. Beer Money came back and roughed up Jarrett at ringside. Foley pulled a barbwire bat from underneath the ring and gave it to Jarrett. Jeff wound up to use it in the ring, but Slick Johnson ran out and stopped him. Beer Money hit their finisher on Jarrett and pinned him…

Backstage, Hogan was talking with Abyss when Brooke entered the room. Abyss left so Hulk could talk with his daughter. She sobbed and said she knew he had to do it tonight, but she wanted him to promise that this would be his last match. Hulk promised her “this will be the last one.” They hugged… [C]

The cut-in featured Flair giving Styles a pep talk about the main event… Ring introductions took place for the main event. We got to hear Flair’s theme music, which is similar to the usual Flair music. Tenay stressed that Spike sent word that they will deliver the entire main event no matter how long it takes… [C]

7. Hulk Hogan and Abyss vs. Ric Flair and A.J. Styles in a no DQ match. Hebner is the referee for the match. The match started about two minutes before the top of the hour. Tenay stressed that it’s no DQ and there must be a winner. Taz hyped the fact that there were two Hall of Famers in the ring. Hogan roughed up Flair at ringside right in front of Brooke. Flair bladed within the first minute of the match.

[Overrun] Hulk continued to rough up Flair at ringside as Brooke perked up and cheered him on. Flair bled like crazy. Hogan rolled back inside the ring and Abyss roughed up Flair on the entrance ramp and then threw him back inside the ring. Hogan whipped Flair with his belt. He went to back Flair into the ropes, but it looked like Flair stumbled and fell.

The ridiculously bloody Flair hit a low blow on Hogan at 3:15 and then tagged in Styles. A.J. took Hulk to ringside and beat him up in front of Flair. She stood up and protested. “I think Ric Flair might need a stitch or two,” Taz cracked. Later, Hogan slammed Flair off the ropes and made the hot tag to Abyss.

Abyss took it to the heels. They tried to double team him, but Abyss clotheslined them both to the mat. At 6:30, Abyss chokeslammed Flair. He held up his fist to show off the Hall of Fame ring. Styles came back with the big srpingboard forearm shot for a near fall. All four men were in the ring with Hogan and Flair both bleeding heavily. Hogan and Abyss hit double big boots (bad timing, though). Hogan whipped Styles toward Abyss, who hit the Black Hole Slam on Styles and pinned him.

After the match, Desmond Wolfe hit the ring and nailed Abyss with a chair. He went after Hogan, who blocked the chair, but Flair clipped Hogan’s knee. The Pope ran out to help Hogan and Abyss, as Tenay explained that they had to cut the Pope vs. Wolfe match. The heels eventually outnumbered Pope.

Jeff Hardy’s music played and he came out to a massive pop. Hardy hit all three heels with punches and then hit a move on Wolfe and followed up with a Twist of Fate on Styles. Hardy went to the top rope and was about to hit the Swanton on Styles when the show went off the air at eight minutes after the top of the hour…

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