AEW Dynamite results February 17: Road to Revolution continues

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All Elite Wrestling returns from the Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida with their weekly edition of AEW Dynamite on TNT, as the road to the upcoming AEW Revolution 2021 pay-per-view continues.

On tap for tonight’s AEW on TNT program is a big six-man tag-team match, with Jon Moxley teaming up with “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer and Rey Fenix to take on the trio of Eddie Kingston, The Butcher & The Blade.

Tonight’s show will also feature The Young Bucks putting their tag-team titles on-the-line against Santana & Ortiz, Serena Deeb goes on-on-one with Riho in another AEW Women’s World Championship Elimination Tournament match, Matt Hardy & “Hangman” Adam Page take on TH2, Luther goes one-on-one against Orange Cassidy, FTR will take on Matt and Mike Sydal and “The Icon” Sting will call out Team Taz ahead of their Street Fight at AEW Revolution 2021.

Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results for Wednesday, February 17, 2021.


The road to the upcoming AEW Revolution 2021 pay-per-view continues to wind down, as this week’s AEW Dynamite on TNT kicks off with the usual traditional signature video that starts the show every Wednesday night.

From there, we shoot inside Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL., where we hear Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur welcome us to the program on commentary and then we head down to ringside for our opening match of the show.

“Hangman” Adam Page & Matt Hardy vs. TH2

As the commentators continue to open the show, the theme music of “Hangman” Adam Page begins playing as he makes his way through the entrance tunnel and begins heading down to the ring for the first match of the evening as “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts formally introduces him in the squared circle.

As he settles into the ring, the new theme and big screen video for “Big Money” Matt Hardy plays as he comes out to explosive fire pyro and fireworks. He settles into the ring as split-screen highlights from last week’s show airs, showing Hardy signing Page to a contract.

The bell sounds as we return live, where Page and Hardy’s opponents, The Hybrid2 (TH2), are already in the ring. All four guys collide as TH2 rushes them to start this match off, however when the smoke clears, it is Page who ends up standing tall.

He establishes the offensive lead for his team and then tags Hardy into the bout. Hardy picks up where Page left off, taking it to the TH2 member as the commentators go in-depth on Hardy’s background in AEW before transitioning to tell the more recent story of his attempt to sign talents like Private Party and “Hangman” Adam Page to talent contracts.

Hardy tags Page back in, and the two continue to dominate the action early on, as they isolate their foe in the ring. Finally, a tag is made and we see TH2 take over as Angelico finally helps his team into the offensive driver’s seat and then tags Evans back in. TH2 dominates the offense for a bit until Evans misses a back hand-spring elbow that Hardy capitalizes on, culminating with him finally making the tag to “Hangman.”

Page takes the hot tag and comes into the ring with a ton of energy, taking out Evans and Angelico left-and-right before flying over the top-rope for a big splash on Evans on the floor. He rolls back in the ring and walks into a big boot from Angelico. He eats it and still manages to dominate, as he hits a big suplex for a near fall. The commentators and the camera focuses on Hardy still struggling to get to his feet on the ring apron.

In the ring, Page doesn’t seem to need any help, as he continues to work over Evans as Angelico tries interfering, and vice-versa, with “Hangman” managing to hold them both off on his own. He goes for the Buckshot Lariat, however Hardy ends up tagging himself in. As soon as he does, things quickly begin going south for Hardy and Page as Page is out on the floor while Hardy is being worked over by Evans and Angelico, with the latter being the legal man in the match now.

The two hit some double-team spots on Hardy and then finally Page recovers and hops on the ring apron, where he executes a big Buckshot Lariat on both TH2 members. Hardy follows up with a Twist Of Fate and then the pin fall for the victory.

Winners: “Hangman” Adam Page & Matt Hardy

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Matt Hardy “Money Match” Set For AEW Revolution 2021

Once the match ends, as Hardy and Page are celebrating in the ring, their music fades down as Hardy grabs a microphone.

Hardy asks the fans to let Page hear it after his excellent performance in this week’s opener. The fans cheer. He then talks about how Page is going to make a lot of money, then brags that he’s going to make a ton too because he signed Page last week.

Page then points out to Hardy that he learned one thing a long time ago, to bring an extra set of papers with him when he goes to the bar. He informs Hardy that he switched the papers before the two signed them in the bar last week on Dynamite. He tells his friends to bring the papers out.

Hardy says it wasn’t a talent contract, it was a match between Hardy and Page at AEW Revolution 2021 with a stipulation stating that if Page wins, he receives 100% of Hardy’s income from Q1 in 2021. Hardy freaks out and then asks if Page is an honorable man, even though he signed the papers, he asks Page to be a man and put his 2021 Q1 earnings on-the-line in the match as well.

Page tells Matt he didn’t see that coming and then says, “Matt, I think we have ourselves a money-match.” Hardy asks Page to shake his hands and then as they shake, Hardy turns on Page. He kicks him with a low blow and then offers TH2 some money to come beat up Page.

As they do, The Dark Order end up hitting the ring to make the save for Page, clearing the ring of TH2 and Hardy. Page nearly hits the Buckshot Lariat on Hardy to end things, however Hardy ducks out the back door under the bottom rope to avoid it. Page then turns around and sees The Dark Order standing behind him, having his back literally and figuratively. He shakes his head in approval of The Dark Order as his music plays.

Alex Marvez Talks To The Inner Circle

After that, we shoot backstage, where Alex Marvez is standing by with The Inner Circle. He talks to Santana and Ortiz and they talk about their AEW World Tag-Team Championship match against The Young Bucks tonight.

As the segment continues, MJF ends up hijacking the mic as he loses his cool bringing up Sammy Guevara recording him without his permission last week and then quitting The Inner Circle.

Chris Jericho eventually tells MJF to calm down. He informs him that he doesn’t have to recap what happened, because everyone listening already saw the show last week, and the week before that, and the week before that.

He goes on to say that Sammy Guevara is dead to him, and that he never wants to hear his name again. He says let’s get back to business tonight, before vowing that Santana & Ortiz will win the tag titles tonight.

From there, the commentators run down the entire lineup scheduled for tonight’s show before we head to our first commercial of the evening, with action from the AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Tournament on the other side of the break.

AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Tournament
Riho vs. Serena Deeb

We return to the break to an extensive video package recapping the special AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Tournament Japan Bracket from this past Monday night.

From there, the commentators run down the lineup for the next special, which will feature all of the remaining first round matches in the tourney, and will take place live via AEW’s digital channels next Monday evening.

From there, the NWA Women’s Champion Serena Deeb’s theme music plays as “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts does the formal ring introductions for her.

She settles into the ring and then Roberts introduces the long-awaited return of the former first-ever AEW Women’s World Champion, Riho. She comes out with a big smile on her face as the camera pans around showing her receiving a standing ovation from the limited-capacity audience inside the Daily’s Place amphitheater.

As the bell sounds to kick off the match, the fans begin chanting “Welcome Back! Welcome Back!” at Riho. She soaks it in and then she and Deeb circle each other and lock up. The commentators put over both ladies as the two trade holds and control standing and in the clinch before the bout is taken down to the mat for some amateur style ground wrestling and submission-based grappling, with each lady getting holds and the other reversing out of it.

Deeb and Riho continue to trade turns in the lead, with neither establishing any lengthy run in control of the action. As Deeb starts to recover from her leg being worked over by the former AEW Women’s Champion, she takes back over the offense and sends Riho out to the floor. We head to a picture-in-picture commercial break on that note.

During the picture-in-picture commercial break, we see Deeb having her leg checked on by a ringside doctor before going out to the floor to go back to work on Riho. She brings her back in the ring and continues to dominate the action now as we see our first prolonged offensive run of dominance from someone in this match now.

We return from the break and we see Deeb has Riho on the mat locked in a rear-chin-lock as the commentators inform us about the doctor checking on Deeb during the break. They claim that Deeb insisted to the doctor that she’s able to continue, which she appears to be proving emphatically at this point.

Finally, Riho starts to shift the momentum back in her favor as she fights her way back into the bout. She blasts Deeb with a big elbow strike and some follow-up forearm shots on the NWA Women’s Champion in the corner, as the fans chant along with each shot. Deeb ends up turning Riho into the corner and she does the same to her. Riho hits a head-scissors moments later and blasts Deeb with a running knee to the grill in the corner for a near fall.

Riho looks for a northern lights suplex, however Deeb reverses into a front chancery submission standing, which Riho ends up escaping. She ends to the top-rope and dives but is caught by Deeb, who hits a veteran counter, as Jim Ross points out on commentary. She goes to work on Riho’s leg now, as the ring announcer informs us of the amount of time that has transpired in this time-limit tourney bout.

The fans and the commentators are getting super into this match now, as the fans are making a lot of noise and chants and the commentators are calling this one of the best women’s matches in recent memory. Riho starts making another comeback after Deeb settled into the offensive driver’s seat again. The former first-ever AEW Women’s World Champion fires up on offense with a vengeance now, as she picks up the pace and turns it on the NWA Women’s Champion looking to finish her off.

Riho climbs to the top-rope as J.R. calls her a fearless little warrior. She hits a diving cross-bow splash for a near fall, however Deeb survives and then rolls out to the floor to try and regroup. Riho, however, goes out after her. She grabs her by the hair and throws her back into the ring. She follows in after her, however, Deeb took advantage of her coming in and blasted her with a big shot. She grounds Riho and looks to step over with a finishing submission hold. We end up seeing a pin attempt as a reversal out of it.

AEW’s first-ever women’s champ finally hits the northern lights suplex she has attempted multiple times in this match, bridging for a pin afterwards, however Deeb kicks out. Deeb looks for her finisher moments later, however Riho reverses into a pin attempt. Deeb rolls out of it, but RIho reverses into another one and this time she gets the pin fall victory. The fans give this match a standing ovation and immediately break out into a “This Is Awesome” chant, which J.R. points out on commentary in case the viewers at home can’t hear it due to Riho’s theme music playing.

Winner and ADVANCING in the AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Tournament: Riho

Jade Cargill Video Package & Hype For Shaq’s AEW Debut

After a quick video package hyping up Jade Cargill airs, we see a graphic promoting Shaquille O’Neal & Jade Cargill vs. Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet for the upcoming March 3, 2021 episode of AEW Dynamite on TNT.

Orange Cassidy vs. Luther

The theme music of The Best Friends plays as the “Freshly Squeezed” one makes his way down to the ring for our next match of the evening.

As Orange Cassidy settles into the ring for his scheduled one-on-one match against Luther from Chaos Project, we head to a pre-match commercial break, with J.R. pointing out that plenty of action is still to come here tonight, including the Cassidy-Luther match — next.

We return from the break to see Luther wrapping up his ring entrance, with fellow Chaos Project member Serpentico by his side. The bell sounds and we’re immediately off to an emphatic start, as Chuck Taylor is knocked off the ring apron and Luther immnediately goes to work on Cassidy.

Luther dominates Cassidy early on, as Serpentico hits a dive from the ring to the floor on Chuck. Meanwhile, Luther is still controlling the action in the ring until finally, Cassidy hits a sunset flip power-bomb on Luther from the ring apron to the floor. Ouch.

We see Serpentico in the ring creeping around waiting for Cassidy to come back in, however Chuck Taylor has recovered and is behind Serpentico and he takes him out before anything happens.

Finally, Cassidy gets Luther up and back in the ring, where the ref also joins them, all three unaware of what just transpired between Chuck and Serpentico. Regardless, Cassidy waits for Luther to get up and then blasts him with the Orange Punch for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Team Taz Beats Down “The Icon” Sting

A Team Taz recap video plays to hype up the Street Fight that also involves “The Icon” Sting and TNT Champion Darby Allin, at the upcoming AEW Revolution 2021 pay-per-view.

After the video wraps up, the theme of Team Taz plays and out comes “The Human Suplex Machine” himself accompanied by “The Machine” Brian Cage and one other member of Team Taz.

Taz gets in the ring and talks about the Street Fight coming up before pointing out that due to weather issues, only two members of Team Taz are here tonight. He says maybe Sting sent some of his snow down there, but he digresses.

Finally, he brings up the fact that all week long he has been hearing and seeing advertisements claiming that “The Icon” is going to be calling out Team Taz. He says despite being down a few members, he calls Sting out to the ring.

The familiar sounds of the theme song of “The Icon” Sting plays and the pro wrestling legend emerges as the snow begins falling inside Daily’s Place. He settles into the ring and Taz begins ranting about how Sting needs his bat and has always needed it.

As he continues talking trash about how Sting needs his bat to be a tough guy, “The Icon” drops his bat and starts taking his big robe off. He immediately gets into a brawl with the two members of Team Taz in the ring. At first things go his way, but eventually he is hoisted up with ease by Brian Cage, who plants him down on the mat with his finisher.

The members of Team Taz stand over the fallen Icon as the commentators question Sting’s decision to throw his baseball bat down while being in the ring alone against those three men. Team Taz stands over Sting and pose before exiting the ring as the commentators plug the Street Fight coming up at AEW Revolution 2021.

Eddie Kingston Explains Reasons For Tonight’s Main Event

Before we head to a commercial break, we are sent to a pre-taped message from Eddie Kingston. Kingston is shown standing with The Butcher, The Blade and The Bunny by his side.

He talks about being the one who requested tonight’s featured six-man tag-team main event.

He explains that Lance Archer has been after him since the Casino Battle Royale, Rey Fenix has the old Eddie Kingston Family / Death Triangle issue and then wraps up his promo hyping tonight’s main event by reminding everyone of his storied past with his former friend Jon Moxley.

Kenny Omega Reads The Young Bucks Book To Young Kids At School

The commentators talk us through some highlights of what just went down between Sting and Team Taz before the break.

From there, they send things to Alex Marvez who is with Kenny Omega. We see Marvez walking up to Omega as he’s about to read a book to some young students at a school. Don Callis ends up stopping him and telling him to leave. The cameras don’t.

We see Omega sit down and begin to read what is actually the autobiography recently released by The Young Bucks. The kids ask if he knows The Young Bucks and then ask if they are in love after seeing the cover of the book. Omega then begins reading one of his favorite quotes from the book, which is a quick one.

Callis then informs Omega that he’s got to head out. Omega, after spending 15 seconds or so reading to the kids, thanks them and heads out as his publicist informs him that this is doing wonders for his image.

The kids try and stop him because they want to play. They pawn off Michael Nakazawa on the kids instead. The kids chant that they hate Nakazawa and then begin kicking him as Omega and Callis head off.

AEW World Tag-Team Championships
The Young Bucks (c) vs. Santana & Ortiz

From there, we head back inside Daily’s Place amphitheater where the theme music for Santana & Ortiz plays. We see every member of The Inner Circle make their way out alongside the Proud ‘N’ Powerful duo.

As they settle into the ring, their music dies down and then the theme for the reigning, defending champions heading into this match, The Young Bucks, begins playing. On that note, we see Nick and Matt Jackson head down to the ring, stopping to hug their mom and dad who are sitting in the front row.

The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this championship bout. We see Omega, Callis and The Good Brothers watching on from a monitor backstage. The commentators point out that these two teams have competed before and The Inner Circle duo has gotten their hands raised in the past, so they could very well do so again tonight.

Early on, The Young Bucks dominate the action, with Matt Jackson firing up for some impressive offensive sequences early on. Finally, The Inner Circle gets involved and the referee decides to kick them out from the ringside area. The commentators speculate whether it’s just the member who interfered or the whole group as we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.

When we return from the break, we see that all of the members of The Inner Circle were sent to the back. Regardless, Santana and Ortiz still appear to be in control of the action. This doesn’t last long, however, as The Young Bucks fire up when one lands a big super kick that buys them the opening they needed to begin putting some spots together.

Matt Jackson hits an excellent twisting stunner off the top-rope for a close near fall, however Santana hangs on to keep his team alive. Matt tags in Nick and the two hit a top-rope power-bomb spot for another close near fall. Now we see The Young Bucks setting up for More Bang For Your Buck, however Ortiz had it well scouted and jumps in to break it up before it’s executed.

Santana hits an Avalanche Falcon Arrow off the top rope moments later for a super close near fall. The Young Bucks hang on, however, and the fans let them hear it as they break out into a “This Is Awesome” chant. Santana & Ortiz hit some double team spots on Nick Jackson and then we see Ortiz lock him in a wild submission as Santana goes to the floor to keep Matt from getting involved.

Instead, Matt ends up fighting him off and climbing to the top-rope, where he leaps off with a big top-rope elbow drop to break it up. Matt comes in to help out and then The Young Bucks end up hitting a double-team Doomsday Device, while J.R. makes a Road Warriors reference on commentary. This leads to a big double super-kick spot from The Young Bucks. They go for the pin after, but they don’t finish them off.

They go for the BTE, but hit knees and then Santana hits the Street Sweeper on Jackson out of nowhere, however the other Buck managed to break it up literally at the last possible moment.

Some of the action spills out to the floor, with Santana & Ortiz hitting a double power bomb on Matt Jackson over the guard rail and into the front row. They head back to the ring to finish off Nick, but as soon as the legal man enters the ring, Nick catches him off guard with an inside cradle out of nowhere and actually pulls off the pin fall victory to retain the titles.

Winners and STILL AEW World Tag-Team Champions: The Young Bucks

After The Match: All Hell Breaks Loose

Once the match ends, The Inner Circle hits the ring and begins attacking The Young Bucks. We see Omega, Callis and The Good Brothers still watching on a monitor backstage and then Brandon Cutler asks if they’re just gonna stand there or come help their friend.

Cutler runs out to the ring, but right into a big shot from Jake Hager. Meanwhile, we see Jericho lock up the Liontamer on one of the Young Bucks while MJF locks the Salt of the Earth on the other. The commentators make a big deal out of the fact that Matt and Nick Jackson were both tapping out from Jericho and MJF’s holds.

Finally we see Omega, Callis and The Good Brothers slowly make their way down to the ring, clearly not in any rush, as The Inner Circle are leaving. Before heading to the back, Jericho and MJF stop off to get in the face of The Young Bucks parents in the front row. As all this chaos comes to a close, we head to another commercial break.

Brandi Rhodes Baby Gender Reveal

We return from the break and the commentators send things to Brandi Rhodes, who is shown in a pre-taped message.

She talks about missing the fans and then talks about no one knowing the sex of she and Cody Rhodes’ baby. She then talks about being excited to share the news with everyone — including Cody, who doesn’t even know yet.

From there, we hear the familiar sounds of the theme song of “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes as he makes his way out with Brandi Rhodes by his side.

As they come through the entrance tunnel and settle at the top of the stage, a big graphic displays on the big screen that reads, “It’s a girl!” Cody and Brandi embrace and then walk off.

FTR vs. Matt & Mike Sydal

Cody ends up heading over to join J.R., Schiavone and Excalibur on commentary to guest announce the next match, which will be in the tag-team division.

From there, the familiar sounds of the theme song of the former AEW World Tag-Team Champions, FTR, begins playing. Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler head down to the ring as the commentators get Cody’s reaction to the big baby gender reveal from moments ago.

Finally, with FTR settled into the ring, the theme of Matt and Mike Sydal plays as they make their way down to the ring together. The commentators point out that Dory Funk Jr. and other legends are in the house tonight. Dory Funk Jr. is shown right before the bell sounds to officially start this tag-team bout off.

We see Harwood and Wheeler utilize quick, repetitive tags to keep fresh men on Mike Sydal at all times, as they enjoy an early offensive lead in the match. The commentators point out that Tully Blanchard is not here with FTR tonight due to weather conditions preventing him from making it to the show.

Mike finally makes the tag to Matt Sydal, who quickly turns the tables and shifts the momentum into the favor of the Sydal’s. Mike heads back into the ring and the two Sydal’s hit some double-team action until FTR sneaks in a blind tag and in the confusion, manage to take back control of the offensive lead in the match, just as J.R. leads us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.

We’re back from the break and we see FTR is still dominating the action. Moments later, Sydal makes the tag and the Sydal Brothers continue to show some good synergy with some nice double-team spots. Cody talks on commentary about the great conditioning of the Sydal Brothers. Sydal hits a lightning spiral that takes out both members of FTR. Mike Sydal heads to the top-rope and hits a huge moonsault to the floor to take out both members of FTR.

Mike rolls him back in the ring and covers him, however the FTR member hangs on and keeps his team alive in this match. He works his way back to his feet and the two trade chops and punches as the fans start to get into this match. Cody talks about the upcoming battle against Shaq on March 3 as the action continues in the ring. FTR makes the tag and both men stay in the ring for some double-team action, however Matt Sydal ends up fighting them both off single-handedly.

Eventually, the numbers game is too much for Sydal as FTR takes over. Just as they go to finish off Matt, in comes Mike to break up the pin. The Sydal’s make a blind tag. One Sydal hits a top-rope flying double-knees. The other comes off the top with a big spot and makes the follow-up cover, however the FTR member gets his foot on the ropes. Harwood takes Matt’s leg out from under him while he goes to the top-rope, which sets things up for Wheeler to take over. He hits a big shot and tags in Harwood. The two set up and connect with the Big Rig finisher and make the pin for the victory.

Winners: FTR

After The Match: FTR Attacks, Jurassic Express Makes The Save

Once the match ends, the ringside doctor comes in to check on Sydal. Meanwhile, the commentators congratulate Cody Rhodes one more time on his soon-to-be newborn baby daughter and then he exits the commentary table.

Things aren’t over there, however, as FTR ambush the ringside doctor and take his scissors from him. As they approach Sydal with the scissors, the lights in the Daily’s Place amphitheater go out.

When they come back on, we see the mask of Luchasaurus shown at the top of the entrance way with a spotlight on it. Finally, Jurassic Express are shown in the ring behind FTR and they begin dishing out some justice to Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler, with Luchasaurus debuting a new mask in the process.

They finish off FTR and the crowd goes wild and then begins humming the theme song of Jungle Boy. Then the commentators run down the lineup for next week’s AEW Dynamite on TNT show, which includes Tully Blanchard’s in-ring return alongside FTR to take on all three members of Jurassic Express. They also run down the updated lineup for the upcoming AEW Revolution 2021 PPV.

Jon Moxley Addresses Eddie Kingston, KENTA & Kenny Omega

The commentators then wrap up the updated cards for next week’s Dynamite and the upcoming Revolution PPV and then they send things to a message from former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley.

Moxley talks about Eddie Kingston’s comments from earlier tonight about their storied past as former friends. He says he’ll continue beating his ass until he gets the message through his stubborn skull.

He then turns his attention to KENTA, who he vows he will beat when the two meet in New Japan Pro Wrestling for his IWGP United States Championship.

Finally, Mox focuses on Kenny Omega, telling him that he already informed him in the past that he can’t run. He then concludes by vowing he will get his AEW World Championship back before stating that, “The time is almost here to pull the trigger.”

On that note, we head to another commercial break with our featured six-man tag-team main event of the evening waiting on the other side.

Eddie Kingston, The Butcher & The Blade vs. Lance Archer, Rey Fenix & Jon Moxley

We return from the break and we hear the familiar sounds of Eddie Kingston’s theme music as he and the rest of the Eddie Kingston Family begin making their way down to the ring.

As Eddie Kingston, The Butcher and The Blade settle into the squared circle prepared to do battle in tonight’s headline match of the evening, Kington’s music dies down and then “The Dapper Yapper” finishes up his introductions for the trio.

Finally, Lance Archer’s music hits and we see “The Murderhawk Monster” make his way through the special ring entrance area that Jon Moxley normally enters through. He stops and we see Jake “The Snake” Roberts catch up with him. Next out is Rey Fenix, who enters from the same place and stops beside them and waits until finally, Jon Moxley’s music hits and he comes through the same spot and joins them as they all head to the ring together.

The bell immediately sounds as all six man meet in the middle of the ring and start brawling. The six guys break off into pairs of groups of two guys and they spread out throughout the ring and ringside area as this match is off to a hectic and chaotic start.

Order is eventually restored and we see two men in the ring with the other four all on their respective spots on the apron in opposing corners. The Blade ends up isolated in the ring for the heel trio as the team of Moxley, Fenix and Archer take turns beating him down.

Fenix eventually tags out to Archer, who picks up where he left off, taking it to The Blade. He grabs Blade’s hand and heads to the top-rope. Butcher tries hopping on the apron to knock him off, but Fenix stops him, as Archer comes down and clubs Blade across the spine. J.R. then leads us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action in our main event match-up continues.

We’re back from the break and we see this match starting to fall off the rails again, as the commentators point out that the referee is slowly starting to lose control of the action again. We see Archer and Kingston duking it out in the ring. Kingston takes the upper-hand and tags in The Butcher, who comes in and the big man immediately adds some devastating punishment to “The Murderhawk Monster.”

Finally, Archer makes the sorely needed tag to Rey Fenix. The Lucha Bros member takes the hot tag and comes into the ring like a man possessed. He takes out The Butcher and everyone else in sight and then does the shoulder-shimmy in an homage to Eddie Guerrero. He follows that up with another tribute to Eddie Guerrero, as he hits a picture-perfect top-rope frog splash on The Butcher.

Now we see things start to unravel again, as Kingston and The Blade get involved and now the heels start to see the offensive momentum shift back into their favor. Everyone except Moxley and Kingston are either down and selling on the floor on in the ring crawling. They are finally tagged in and we see that they’ve had their eyes locked on each other intensely waiting for this exact moment.

They quickly close the distance and go nose-to-nose before trading shots and going after each other. The other members of the match slowly start to get involved until all six men end up in the ring at the same time. Fenix heads to the top-rope but Archer tells him to wait. Archer ends up chokeslamming Fenix from inside the ring to The Butcher and The Blade on the floor. He then follows up with a big monstrous dive of his own from the ring to the floor to take out both guys.

He continues beating them down outside the ring as the camera and our attention returns inside the ring where Moxley and Kingston are alone to duke it out in one-on-one fashion again. Mox appears to have the upper-hand, however Kingston is firing up with chops and trying to fight his way back into it. Mox is having none of it, however, as he hits a big King Kong Lariat that floors Kingston. He follows that up with a spinning-back-fist and then the Paradigm Shift DDT finisher for the pin fall victory.

Winners: Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix & Lance Archer

After The Match: Omega vs. Moxley — Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match?!!

Once the match ends, we see some highlights as the commentators talk us through them and Moxley celebrates in the ring while his theme music plays.

Things don’t end there, however.

Instead, we see The Good Brothers hit the ring and start attacking Moxley. Finally, Kenny Omega’s theme hits and out he comes. The Good Brothers and Don Callis stand in the ring holding Moxley while the AEW World Champion makes his way down to the squared circle with some papers in his hands.

Omega tells Mox he doesn’t look so tough now. He then informs him that he’s got the gun and he’s the one who is going to pull the trigger, as he informs Moxley that they will have a match — but it will be an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match.

Mox gets free’d up enough to take a swat at Omega, which does nothing but piss him off. He tells The Good Brothers what to do and then takes Mox out. As Mox is down he gets in a few more insults and the show goes off the air with Kenny Omega, Don Callis and The Good Brothers standing tall as the commentators react to the news of the Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match.