AJ Styles ‘Bad Haircut’ Stuns WWE Fans

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Former President Donald Trump was recently disgusted by a recent campaign speech made by Vice President Kamala Harris in which she strongly suggested he...

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The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump reportedly used the controversial alt-right social media platform Gab to post messages supporting President...

AJ Styles was in a dynamic and entertaining eight man tag as Styles, along with Elias, Jaxson Ryker, & Omos took on New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) & RKBro (Matt Riddle & Randy Orton) during this week’s edition of WWE Monday Night Raw. Prior to the match, Styles who was talking to his teammates, discussed that he cut his trademark beard in an effort to be more: “aerodynamic’. You can view more details via Twitter below. Did this AJ Styles burial on Raw just leak?



In other news regarding AJ Styles, during a recent edition of his acclaimed ‘Arn’ Podcast, former WWE agent and current AEW personality Arn Anderson discussed Styles’ WWE debut at the 2016 Royal Rumble, and how he should of won the men’s Royal Rumble match that year. Credit to Cultaholic for the following transcription.

“If you backed all the way up to the Royal Rumble, that was our first sighting of him, what if [AJ Styles] would have went over? You just temporarily, just for a moment, moved Roman out of that spot. Now, AJ Styles on his inaugural introduction to WWE, wins the Royal Rumble, goes out and what if he would’ve beat Triple H for that championship and gave him another four to five weeks to get ingrained in people’s psyche,” Anderson said.

This AJ Styles ‘money demand’ backstage just leaked not too long ago. “If you just took Roman and put him aside for a second, and let AJ get over till SummerSlam, could you imagine how hot he would’ve been by SummerSlam? Now you have Roman challenge the new guy, the babyface, AJ Styles and screw him out of it. Now you’ve got that guy that you have today, the heel Roman which I’ve said from day one he should’ve been a heel all this time so that by now, you would’ve had to turn him babyface. You wouldn’t have been dealing with all the backlash.”
