Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, the former Hollywood power couple, were captured in an affectionate moment together in Los Angeles on a Friday. Exclusive photos obtained by Page Six on Saturday depict the exes sharing a warm hug as Jennifer leaned forward from the back seat of Ben’s car.
During this heartwarming encounter, the couple’s youngest daughter, Seraphina, was seated in the passenger seat next to her father. The “Justice League” star, Ben Affleck, aged 51, was seen leaning towards his ex-wife’s shoulder at one point before she exited the car.
Throughout their interaction, both Affleck and Garner wore bright smiles. Ben Affleck, who shares daughters Violet and Seraphina, as well as a son named Samuel with Jennifer Garner, drove the “13 Going On 30” star back to her vehicle after they had apparently picked up one of their daughters.
Garner, dressed casually in a white T-shirt and blue jeans, held a multi-colored cardigan in hand as she gave the “Gone Girl” star another warm smile while returning to her car.
Representatives for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner did not immediately respond to Page Six’s request for comment.
The former couple, despite enduring rumors of infidelity and alleged gambling issues that reportedly played a role in their divorce, have maintained an amicable co-parenting relationship. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner tied the knot in 2005, and they announced their separation a day after celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary.
In the years following their divorce, Jennifer Garner moved on and began dating businessman John Miller, while Ben Affleck rekindled a romance with Jennifer Lopez, ultimately leading to their remarriage.