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According to Yahoo, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are reportedly facing in-law drama as they plan for the holidays. The couple is hoping to have a dreamy blended-family holiday, but there are challenges with coordinating visits from their moms, Christine (Affleck) and Lupe (Lopez). According to a source, Christine and Lupe have not connected well, and Ben’s mom is reportedly wary of his second marriage.



Additionally, the couple needs to navigate visitation schedules for their children with exes Jen Garner and Marc Anthony. The source also mentions some tension between J.Lo and Ben’s brother, Casey, with both reportedly not being keen on each other. The presence of Jennifer’s two sisters adds another layer to the potential holiday chaos.

While the couple envisions a perfect Christmas with in-laws toasting and hugging, the source suggests that the reality may be far from their ideal scenario. Managing family dynamics during the holidays can be challenging, and the couple may need to navigate various relationships to make the celebrations work.