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On Thursday, the White House hosted a joint press conference featuring President Joe Biden and President William Ruto of Kenya in the prestigious East Room. President Ruto’s visit to the United States commenced on Wednesday, marking the start of a three-day diplomatic engagement between the two nations.



However, the ceremonial greeting earlier on the South Lawn faced unexpected challenges. President Biden’s demeanor raised concerns as he appeared to grapple with basic instructions and encountered difficulty in navigating his movements.

Amidst these incidents, the joint press conference unfolded with President Biden fielding questions from a curated list of pre-approved journalists. When addressing a reporter from McClatchy, President Biden stipulated that only one question would be entertained from each journalist.

As the conference progressed, a significant verbal gaffe from President Biden grabbed attention. In an apparent slip of the tongue, he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as the first black “president” rather than acknowledging her position as the nation’s first black vice president.

The momentary blunder, where President Biden referred to Vice President Harris as “President Kamala Harris,” basically showed off the challenges and scrutiny surrounding the administration’s communication and public appearances.