Biden Allegedly Leaks Call For ‘Anti-Semites’

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Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) recently alleged President Joe Biden of leaking details of his call with Benjamin Netanyahu to appease “so-called peace activists” who are really “anti-Semites, anti-Israel” and “pro-terrorist” via Mediaite.



It has been noted that Rubio was referring to Biden’s congratulatory call to Netanyahu after Israel’s Iron Dome deflected a reported 99% of Iran’s drone and missile strikes. Biden also urged Israel “not to escalate further,” according to CNN’s Clarissa Ward.

Rubio told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he supports protecting U.S. troops in the region, but said that Israel has never asked the U.S. to attack Iran on their behalf.

“They’re not asking for it. But I think we go from that to the other extreme, which is Joe Biden telling Netanyahu, ‘Take the wind, don’t do anything,’ and then his people leaking it to the media, leaking it to the press!” Rubio said, continuing:

And what it sets up is, they know that Israel’s going to respond. They know this for a fact. So, why would the White House leak it? There’s only one reason they leaked that. And that is that so when Israel does respond, the White House can say, “We told them not to do it,” and at least somehow in some way, appease these so-called peace activists.

By the way, these “ceasefire now” people who were out yesterday cheering the launch of hundreds of rockets and drones and missiles against Israel. People that are out there cheering military attacks of this scale and scope are not peace activists. These are anti-semites, anti-Israel, pro terrorist elements out there. And we need to stop calling them peace activist. They are not peace activists. You don’t — peace activists do not cheer massive attacks against other countries, which is what they were doing yesterday. So, I guess this is part of the White House’s effort to appease them by putting this out that proactively.