Biden Approaches Girl At Store In Weird Video

The Department of Justice filed a discrimination lawsuit against Sheetz, a popular Pennsylvania gas station and convenience store chain, alleging discriminatory practices. This legal action came shortly after President Joe Biden made a stop at a Sheetz location during his campaign trail, where it was reported that the visit attracted little public attention.



In a recent discussion with reporters, President Joe Biden shared a perplexing and concerning anecdote involving his so-called “Uncle Bozy,” cannibals, and historical events in New Guinea during World War II.

Biden delved into a narrative about Ambrose “Uncle Bozy” Finnegan, a supposed relative who served as an Army Air Corps pilot. According to Biden, Finnegan was shot down over New Guinea, a region known for its cannibalistic tribes during the war.

“He was in the Army Air Corps before there was an Air Force. He volunteered for reconnaissance flights over New Guinea in single-engine planes when someone else couldn’t go,” Biden said. “He got shot down in an area with many cannibals in New Guinea at the time.”

“They never recovered his body, but when I visited the area, the government checked and found parts of the plane and some other items,” Biden claimed. This unusual assertion comes amid ongoing concerns about Biden’s public remarks, particularly their coherence and factual accuracy, fueling questions about his fitness for office.

It is still not known whether what Joe Biden said was eventual factual or straight up big lie.

Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter
Harrison Carter has been a huge pro wrestling fan since 2002, and it's been his first love ever since then. He has years of writing experience for all things pro wrestling. His interests outside of wrestling include films, books and soccer.

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