President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris held their first rally together since Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee. They talked about their plans to improve the economy and make prescription drugs more affordable for middle-class Americans.
Biden mentioned his past work as a senator to help Medicare negotiate lower drug prices, which he described as a victory against large pharmaceutical companies. He noted that the Veterans Affairs system already pays much less for medications because it can negotiate prices, a benefit that Medicare didn’t have until now.
Biden criticized Republicans for not supporting the bill, saying that not one of them in Congress voted for it. He also made fun of Donald Trump by calling him “Donald Dump,” suggesting that Trump and his supporters want to undo the progress made by his administration. Biden highlighted the Inflation Reduction Act’s passage, which was made possible by Harris’s tie-breaking vote, emphasizing the importance of their efforts to reduce healthcare costs.
You know, the VA pays as they should, 50% less than Medicare because VA can negotiate the prices. But for years, big pharma blocked Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices. As a consequence, they’re able to maintain the exorbitant price increases and the profits are called for. But this time, we finally beat big Pharma!
And I might add with no help from Republicans. Not a single Republican voted for this bill, period. Not one in the entire Congress. The reason I say this not to make a political point about them…but they the guy we’re running against. What’s his name? Donald Dump or Donald whatever. They want to get rid of this what we past. Their fighting to get rid of what we’ve just passed. No I’m serious. No help from Republicans passing Inflation Reduction Act thanks to the tie breaking vote of Kamala made it possible.