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President Joe Biden and his campaign recently blasted former President Donald Trump and labeled him as “broke Don” while mocking him at a campaign event as begging for relief from Biden via Mediaite.



It has been noted that on the heels of reports that Biden wants to go for Trump’s “jugular” on a more aggressive basis, the president has given a twist to what is seen as an especially jagged knife. It seems that Trump is desperately trying and failing to raise a $460 million fraud appeal bond, while also trailing Biden badly in the fundraising department.

At a private campaign reception this week, Biden launched an attack on Trump ahead of an audience in Dallas, mentioning the former president dozens of times.

In one cutting section, the president drew laughs with a vivid portrayal of Trump:

But, look, I know not everyone is feeling the enthusiasm. Just the other day a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, “Mr. President, I have crushing debt, and I’m completely wiped out.” And I had to look at him and say, “Donald, I’m sorry. I can’t help you.” (Laughter.) I thought about it, but I just couldn’t do it.

Toward the end of the speech, Biden deployed his favorite epithet for Trump:

Look, let me close with this. The stakes couldn’t be higher across the board. But with your help, we’re going to win and put down — up and down the ticket. That includes here in Texas, electing Colin instead of Ted Cruz. (Applause.) I’d like to see him join Donald Trump as a loser. (Laughter.)

The Biden-Harris campaign also got in the fray, appropriating Trump’s penchant for simple nicknames by dubbing him “Broke Don”:

Not a Winning Campaign: Broke Don Hides in Basement

Trump can’t raise money, isn’t campaigning, and is letting convicts and conspiracy theorists run his campaign

We have questions for the political pundits and prognosticators regarding Republican candidate for President Donald Trump and his general election strategy:

1) LACK OF FUNDING: Is not raising the funds needed to reach voters or even campaign a good strategy? Is trailing your opponent in cash on hand by nearly 4 to 1 and hitting up donors to help cover your own personal debts instead of funding your campaign a winning formula for November?

CNN: Former President Donald Trump’s campaign and joint fundraising committee together brought in $20.3 million in February and entered this month with a combined $41.9 million cash on hand, according to a Trump campaign official.

But the amounts trail far behind the $53 million that President Joe Biden and Democrats previously announced raising in February and the massive $155 million in available cash that Biden’s team said it amassed with its affiliated committees.

2) NOT CAMPAIGNING: Is not campaigning – as your opponent relentlessly campaigns in battleground states – and hiding in your basement a good way to assemble a winning coalition of voters?

CNN: Joe Biden has been to every top battleground state but one since the Super Tuesday primaries.

Donald Trump has held one rally in a battleground state in those two and a half weeks, and shifted another to Ohio, in part to save on costs. He has also played in two golf tournaments at his Palm Beach golf club, among other activities at his club

3) BAD MESSAGING: Is it good when your senior advisers are freaking out about bad news coverage (cutting Social Security and Medicare, banning abortion, and violent rhetoric) and openly admitting your candidate is letting “crazies” into your inner circle?

Politico: On a call with staff on Friday, a senior Trump campaign adviser lamented some of the recent news coverage, saying it had been a bad press week for the campaign, according to two people with knowledge of the call and granted anonymity to describe a private conversation.

Axios: Sidelined characters from former President Trump’s past campaigns — “crazies,” some of his top advisers call them — are reattaching themselves to his inner circle now that he’s locked up the Republican nomination.

Biden-Harris 2024 Spokesperson Ammar Moussa released the following statement on Trump’s campaign:

“We are two weeks into the general election and Donald Trump can’t raise money, is hiding at his country club, and is letting convicts and conspiracy theorists take over his campaign. That is not a winning strategy.”

Cameras weren’t present at the private reception. However, President Biden at another recent rally positioned his campaign as a fight against Trump for the “soul of the nation” and decried the profane displays by his rival’s supporters.