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Former President Bill Clinton recently had a few choice words for his wife Hillary’s disastrous efforts during the 2016 election cycle, according to a new book via Fox News.



It has been noted in a passage in “The Squad: AOC and the Hope of a Political Revolution” by The Intercept’s Ryan Grim, which was released last week that the former president allegedly tore into his wife’s campaign for being ineffective communicators and, more specifically, said they could not sell “p—- on a troop train.”

The statement from Bill Clinton, which he allegedly made to a close confidante during the fall of 2016, coincidentally came to light as Democrats reportedly tapped Hillary to help with Biden’s re-election efforts.

Grim is apparently the first to report the remarks in a portion of his book examining the communication efforts of her campaign and then-Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

“Former president Bill Clinton, surveying the landscape and the ham-handed efforts at identity politics, was bereft, lamenting to a longtime friend in the fall of 2016 that Hillary’s campaign ‘could not sell p—- on a troop train,'” Grim wrote in the book.

However, this was not the first time Bill Clinton allegedly chastised Hillary’s campaign. Another book alleged that he had warned them not to ignore swing states. In perhaps Hillary’s biggest blunder during the 2016 election, she notoriously faced widespread criticism for not campaigning enough in Midwestern states, which many believe swung the election to former President Donald Trump.

But during the election, Bill allegedly urged Hillary’s campaign not to neglect those areas, pleas that ultimately “fell on deaf ears,” ABC News reported.