Bischoff’s Claim About Bret Hart’s WWE Return True?

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter



– You may remember a few weeks back, Eric Bischoff said on Facebook that he heard Bret Hart had a Lloyds of London insurance policy that was going to affect what he could do in his match at WrestleMania 26.

According to one person in WWE creative, this story is true. WWE apparently found out about the policy right before Bret appeared on January 4th. This news had everyone from Stephanie McMahon on down to other officials worried.

The plan was to do Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon in a singles match from the start but they started to tease a tag match with Batista and John Cena for a few weeks. It’s possible they started to tease the tag match because of the Lloyd’s policy and a few weeks later they “bought out the problem”, as Bischoff said, or made some kind of agreement with Lloyd’s and then went back to the original plan of Vince vs. Bret in a singles match.

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