Charlotte Flair Breaks Silence On ‘Plastic Surgery’ Rumor

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WWE star Charlotte Flair recently joined LA Times, where she was questioned how she dealt with the social media criticism of the fans upon her return after hiatus.



Charlotte Flair opens up on plastic surgery speculations

Flair’s return was quite lambasted while returns of the stars like Randy Orton have been highly loved by the fans. She was asked how the up-and-coming female stars would be able to deal with the criticism on social media.

“When you came back recently from some time off, it seemed like 90% of the fans on social media just wanted to talk about “She looks different. She had this done” or “She had plastic surgery.” But when a guy like Randy Orton comes back, it’s “Great, Randy Orton is back!” I follow a lot of wrestlers on Twitter, and the comments female wrestlers get compared to male wrestlers is like night and day. What is your advice to young girls and women out there on how to deal with the worst parts of social media and how do you deal with it?”

‘The Queen’ went on to highlight a couple of things about social media criticism and gave advise to the younger talents. Vince McMahon Huge ‘Retirement’ News Leaks

She replied:

Two things. So, I was really hurt by the social media criticism when I returned because I came back in the best shape of my career. Because I had lost 20 pounds, people assumed things. I made a point to come back in the most incredible shape ever. And it was really the first time since 2015 that I had been away for a significant amount of time. In terms of social media, it’s a day by day thing. I always have to remind myself that it’s easier to be negative than positive. It’s easier to hide behind a keyboard. And someone that is putting someone else down for their physical appearance already must hate themselves to some degree. So you have to feel sorry for them that they do that to themselves. That’s the only way that I can deal with it. I say to myself, “Why are you in such a bad place to feel that about me.” In terms of negativity, I pick and choose my shots, try not to respond, because they want the shout out, the want the notoriety, they want the attention. It’s so important to not get negativity life. Just rise above it, wear that invisible crown, hold your chin high, and don’t let the crown slip.