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Teil Runnels, the daughter of wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes and sister to Cody and Dustin Rhodes, recently opened up about her feelings towards Brock Lesnar, Cody’s WWE rival, in a candid interview with Sportskeeda Wrestling Senior Editor Bill Apter. In the interview, she admitted that she still finds Lesnar “scary” in real life, despite being a part of the wrestling industry herself.



The interview took place shortly after a particularly intense incident where Teil watched from ringside as Lesnar viciously attacked her brother Cody in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, during a RAW event on July 17. Despite the warm ovation Cody received from the crowd as he emotionally spoke about their late mother, Teil couldn’t shake the feeling that things might take a dark turn.

Teil shared her apprehensions, recalling,

“When he came out first in his hometown to that great ovation here in Atlanta, and he spoke emotionally about my mom, in the back of my mind, I thought, ‘This is going too well. This is really nice.’ Because, you know, the WWE, there is a reputation if you’re in your hometown, you could have a hard time. So, when his [Brock Lesnar’s] music hit, I was like, ‘Urgh, here we go.'”

As the events unfolded, Lesnar unleashed a brutal assault on Cody, delivering his signature move, the F-5, before applying the devastating Kimura Lock submission hold. Witnessing the beatdown up close, Teil couldn’t help but feel genuinely frightened by the sheer ferocity and presence of “The Beast Incarnate” Lesnar.

She expressed her unease about Lesnar, admitting, “Brock is scary to me, still. There are some guys that have something about them, when you see them in the back, you’re like, ‘That’s a scary dude.'”