DeSantis Voter Brutally Confronts Trump In Video

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It has been noted that an Iowa voter said that she is caucusing for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and asked Donald Trump about his treatment of people who worked in his administration via Mediaite.



Trump fielded a question from a woman identified as Jane while participating in a Fox News town hall in Des Moines on Wednesday night,

“Jane, thank you so much for being here, and you said you plan to caucus for Desantis,” co-moderator Martha MacCallum said. “But you’re not completely decided. Is that right?

“No, I’m firmly– I will be caucusing for Desantis,” Jane clarified. “But I will say, Mr. President, I am extremely grateful that in your first term, you accomplished great things. But it was also with the help of many great people. Since that time, you have publicly criticized and personally demeaned so many of them. If you’re given four more years, how will you convince good people to take the risk of working with you?”

“So, I have a lot of people that want to work with me, he replied. “Everybody wants to come to work with us. We’re gonna have no trouble. We had great people. We had a couple that were not great. Stiffs, I would call them. But that’s true with anybody. But now I’ve gotten to know Washington. I’ve gotten to know the people. I know the best. I know the smart ones, the dumb ones, the weak ones, the strong ones.”

Trump then turned his attention to DeSantis, whom he endorsed for governor in 2018.

“You like Ron DeSantis,” Trump said. “He would be working in a pizza shop or perhaps a law firm if I didn’t endorse him. You know, I endorsed him, took him from nothing to winning an election. And I was all for him. And then one day he said he’d run against me four years later after I got him in. And I said, ‘That’s not a loyal person. We can’t have that.”

As Trump DeSantis was debating former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley on CNN. Trump has boycotted the GOP primary debates. The former president has also slammed Haley, who served as U.N. ambassador in his administration. Trump has repeatedly called her “birdbrain.”