Disturbed Singer Attacks Racist Joe Rogan

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David Draiman, the lead singer of Disturbed, has publicly criticized podcaster Joe Rogan for perpetuating Jewish stereotypes in his recent podcast episode. During the episode, Rogan commented on a controversial tweet made by Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar regarding the US Congress’ support of Israel and the use of money in politics. In his defense of Omar’s statement, Rogan made remarks that perpetuated the stereotype that Jews are excessively focused on money, drawing criticism from Draiman, who is Jewish.



Draiman took to Twitter to express his disappointment with Rogan, offering to engage in a conversation to explain the dangerous consequences of perpetuating such stereotypes. The metal singer has been vocal in his stance against anti-Semitism and has spoken out against the growing number of attacks on Jewish people in the US. In a previous interview with the Jerusalem Post Podcast, Draiman expressed his concern about the increasing number of assaults on Jewish people and the emboldening of anti-Semites.

In conclusion, David Draiman has called out Joe Rogan for his insensitive remarks and continues to be an advocate for addressing and combating anti-Semitism.