Drew McIntyre Reacts To WWE Posting ‘Unclothed’ Photo

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Drew McIntyre has reacted to a photo of himself on WWE’s website with the WrestleMania logo where it looks like the logo is covering his naked body, though it isn’t as McIntyre was wearing his wrestling gear.



Give Me Sport had tweeted, “WWE with some unfortunate, yet hilarious logo placement on the Network website EyesFace with tears of joy. Looks like @DMcIntyreWWE is having a bit too much fun behind there!”

Drew responded with a Simpsons GIF that says, “Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!” McIntyre discussed his work ethic in a recent Orlando Sentinel interview.

“If you ask my wife, she’ll probably say I’ve still got my mind on work too much, but the difference is incredible,” McIntyre said. “I‘ve learned to settle down and learned to appreciate each moment. … A lot of my 20s, my career before the pandemic, was kind of a blur. Now I take the time to stand back, remember things professionally, remember things personally and enjoy every moment because life’s too short.”

“Fans can make an average match good and a good match great,” McIntyre said. “For an interview, they can take over the segment, even bomb the segment if you’re not entertaining them enough. And I love that. At Mania I get the fans back to hear that real-time reaction, that real-time feedback. I’m so excited to get back.”
