Eric Bischoff Talks Vince Russo, Honky Tonk Talks WWE HOF

– Honky Tonk has posted a message on his official website (written in “third person”) about declining an offer to be in WWE’s Hall of Fame:



To John Laurinaitis – 2nd February 2010

HTM would like to clear a few things concerning his declining of the HOF offer from WWE. First John Laurinaitis the head of Talent Relations for WWE treated me with the utmost respect. He dealt with me as a first class gentleman and what we in the business call “one of the boys.” John was up front with me from day one. He has a difficult job as a middle man trying to negotiate for the final say in everything that happens in the company. The final say comes down to Vince McMahon
. Can you imagine the number of phone calls John has to make on his day off or the number of calls he receives on a day off from Vince.

From all of us at HTM we want to say we were out of place to infer that John Laurinatis was behind any bait and switch scheme with HTM.

We say thank you John for trying to get HTM into the HOF.


– With the recent additions of Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan to TNA Wrestling, many have wondered how they would interact with Vince Russo, whom they had trouble working with in WCW. Eric Bischoff has posted a few messages on Twitter this week about Russo specifically:

On Monday, Bischoff wrote: “Vince Russo has a new book out….I am going to be VERY interested in what he has to say in his book. Hmmm”

This morning, he wrote: “Sorry to disappoint all of you who are expecting heat between Russo and I. Actually enjoy working with him so far. Ed [Ferrara] and Matt [Conway] too.”

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