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It has come to light that the ex-lover of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has filed a stunning claim in his ongoing divorce case. This comes after receiving nearly three-quarters of a million dollars to help prosecute former President Donald Trump via Trending Politics News.



As per the New York Post, Nathan Wade has asked a Georgia judge to dismiss Joycelyn Wade’s request for alimony and child support payments, claiming he can no longer meet the obligations he agreed to just three months ago.

“With the income from [Wade’s] employement (sic) as the Special Prosecutor no longer coming in, and with income from [his] private practice being diminished, [he] is no longer able to … meet the financial obligations set forth in the temporary order,” Wade’s divorce lawyer M. Scott Kimbrough wrote in papers filed Monday.

It has been noted by the outlet that Wade was paid approximately $250 per hour while helping Willis investigate Trump and other co-defendants related to alleged attempts to change the outcome of Georgia’s 2020 election results.

His total pay reached around $700,000 before he was forced to resign after defense attorneys uncovered his romantic relationship with Wade.

Joycelyn Wade’s attorneys write the former prosecutor is leaving their client with less than $1,000 per month as she battles health ailments that prevent her from working. Among other promises broken by Wade were continued financial support for their son’s nascent soccer career in Europe and their daughter’s rent as she prepares for examinations to win admission to medical school, they added.