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Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) have announced an investigation into whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis misused federal funds. In a letter, the senators referenced public reports alleging that Willis’ office, which is currently prosecuting a case against former President Donald Trump, has been misappropriating federal funds designated for specific programs. They particularly highlighted funds from a Department of Justice juveniles program and a Sexual Assault Kit Initiative.



The letter pointed out that the Department of Justice awarded Fulton County nearly $500,000 to establish the Fulton County Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention, which has not yet opened. The facility meant to house the center remains closed and padlocked. These claims were initially reported by the Washington Free Beacon and involved allegations from a former Fulton County District Attorney employee who was reportedly fired.

Additionally, the senators mentioned that Willis’ office received $2 million in federal funds from the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative but allegedly spent a significant portion on travel and other unrelated expenses over three years. This discrepancy between the intended use of the federal funds and their actual expenditure has raised concerns about potential misuse.

Grassley and Johnson have requested a detailed list of grants obtained by the district attorney’s office since the fiscal year 2019. They have given DA Willis until May 29 to respond. Willis was elected to her position in 2021. The Epoch Times has reached out to her office for comment on these allegations.