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Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto challenged a Nikki Haley supporter in South Carolina who claimed that Donald Trump “can’t string a sentence together” and suggested that the current president might have a “much bigger problem with that.” The interview took place on Saturday as the primary state began casting its ballots.



Cavuto questioned the voter, asking why she supported Nikki Haley over Donald Trump. The voter responded, “There is no comparison for me. A moral clarity is really important. I don’t think we need somebody who can’t string a sentence together and takes the side of dictators over our military. Every time he speaks it’s just, I’m scared somebody’s going to come after the United States. And selling golden shoes online is his way of fundraising? That, to me, is not moral clarity. That is not a man who can lead our country and be president.”

Cavuto then pressed on the claim about Trump’s ability to articulate, drawing a comparison with Joe Biden’s mental acuity. He asked, “You mentioned he can’t string a sentence together. Others might quibble with you on that and say Joe Biden has a much bigger problem with that. Is it just the old guy thing that bothers you? Two old men who look more likely to be their parties’ nominees right now, or is it something deeper?”

The voter responded, “No. I think the problem is, they’re both at the same stage of life. And, and, listen, my parents are in their 80s, and they would agree that, at their age, there is a stage and a season for everything, and that time has passed for them. If the staff and the teleprompter are running the machinery for the United States, it’s not a good look. It doesn’t matter if it’s Donald Trump or Biden. And in that matchup, Trump is going to lose. Democrats are going to have it. So if we want a new age leader, somebody who has vision, who can serve two terms and can bring our country back and right the ship, it’s Nikki. It has to be Nikki.”

The report concludes by mentioning that Trump is expected to win the South Carolina primary once all the votes are counted.