GFW meets roadblock in their quest to trademark terms related to ‘Broken Universe’

As reported by PWinsider, GFW has met a roadblock in their quest to acquire various Trademarks related to the Broken Universe as their initial application has been refused by the United States Patent and Trademark Office recently.



These trademarks, which were 4 in numbers, were refused for various reasons. Here are the Trademarks specific reasons of why the filing was rejected:

  • The ‘Broken Matt’ trademark was refused due to the confusion over Matt Hardy’s own filing for the Trademark of ‘Broken Matt Hardy’ which he filed first. The company will now have to provide valid arguments to show there is no potential conflict between the two trademarks.
  • The ‘Brother Nero’ trademark was not accepted because the company needed to indicate whether ‘Brother Nero’ identifies to a living person and if it does then they will need that person’s (Jeff Hardy) consent. It’s worth noting that Nero is Jeff’s legitimate middle name.
  • The ‘Broken Brilliance’ Trademark was refused because GFW needs to specify whether the term has any significance in Wrestling or if it’s just a ‘term of art’ in the Industry.
  • Finally, the trademark for “Vanguard1” was refused due to the possible confusion with a non-Wrestling Related trademark. Vanguard 1 is also the name of the fourth artificial Earth orbital satellite which was launched back in March 1958.

It was noted that one of the reasons for the refusal of all mentioned trademarks was also that wordings used for identification and classification of goods and services in the filing were too broad and they needed additional clarification.

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