Hulk Hogan Accused Of Affair With Male Wrestler

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It’s all bickering, maybe’s and accusations once again around the Hulk Hogan palace. The ex is accusing the Hulkster of having a gay relationship. I highly doubt this to be the case. Something would have been said much sooner. Although, we do know that there are many a pro wrestler that are gay. Not suggesting that the Huckster is, but his ex is saying she knows he is.

According to Thirsty For News, Hulk Hogan, without a doubt, stands as the most iconic figures of professional wrestling in the history of its existence. Sorry Rocky and Cena. You guys don’t even compare. With the Hulkster’s status established in the 1980s and 1990s, Hogan faced numerous challenges that came with being a pro wrestler during that time period. In fact, his ex-wife once accused him of having a same sex affair with a pro wrestling legend.



Despite Hogan’s long-standing success in the industry, his reputation was tarnished in 2015 when racist remarks he made were publicly revealed. The tapes caused a major controversy and Hogan’s image has not fully recovered since.

Hulk Hogan married his first wife Linda back in 1983. The two remained together for 25 years until their divorce back in 2009. However, when they were still married, she accused him of having a gay affair with Brutus Beefcake.

While speaking during an interview, Hulk Hogan revealed that it happened after Beefcake had a parasailing accident in 1990. When she saw the blonde head, Hogan’s ex-wife’s grandmother thought he was performing a sexual act on Beefcake.