JR Blog: WWE’s Steamboat DVD, Video Packages in Wrestling, More

Jim Ross is back with another blog on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:



– Apparently a long awaited DVD on the career of the great, WWE HOF’er Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat will be released in June. Being on a medical leave of sorts really is a bummer for many reasons not the least of which being not involved in projects such as this one. Ricky is one of my all time favorites and his matches with Ric Flair, among many others, are simply timeless classics. Their 1989 NWA Title Bout in Chicago that I had the privilege of calling is one of my favorite nights on the job.

– Yes, there are some good teams still competing today but not the number of outstanding teams like there was in previous generations. While many may point to the fact that some decision makers are not ‘tag team people,’ I look at the overall lack of quality depth in the business as a culprit as well. More talents that can get it done on a high level in the ring will equate to more teams being created. Personally, I am a fan of quality, tag team wrestling.

– Recent video packages on new wrestlers that have aired on TV in the past couple of weeks have been well done. I can recall when Bill Watts aired 4-6 weeks of well produced vignettes of the Rock ‘n Roll Express, I think that Jerry Lawler produced these vignettes, before Morton and Gibson made their debut in Mid South Wrestling and by the time that R ‘n R physically arrived they were stars. Point being is that systematic and well planned video introductions help any talent, no matter their skill level, to better connect with the audience.

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