Keith Lee Rips ‘Stupid’ WWE Raw Fan

Keith Lee has been on the receiving end of jokes for some time in the WWE and out of the WWE for very uncalled for reasons. Keith is tired of all of the hate when he is putting all he has into his career. This Tweet may be the tip of the iceberg. Edge WWE Smackdown Return Date Leaks.



Keith Lee took to Twitter burning with a passion to take down all in his way who don’t give him the credit that he deserves. Keith responded to a fan who stated the following about Lee: “@RealKeithLee can’t go up to the 3rd rope and do moonsaults smh”

Keith responded harshly (as he should have) to the troll as he stated: “A quick Google or YouTube search would have kept you from looking like an imbecile.”

Keith then made sure to get in one more shot at the hater by finishing them off by stating: “…And you’re right….you’re not the wrestler. Stay in your lane.”

Lee is not here to play any games right now. Not only has Keith gotten hate from internet trolls that fling insults his way, but he has also had to deal with Vince McMahon burying him in the past for Vince not “getting” Keith’s character.

Dustin Schumacher
Dustin Schumacher
Dustin is a musician and top writer for Wrestling Edge. You can send an email to [email protected] to get in touch.

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