Lilian Garcia on the best advice Vince McMahon ever gave her

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It was announced earlier this week that Lilian Garcia and her podcast, “Chasing Glory” would be coming to the WWE Network. Garcia appeared on The Bump to promote the show and get into her relationship with Vince McMahon.



Being somewhat of a perfectionist, Lilian Garcia struggled when messing up on something, often beating herself up. She said that Vince gave her some great advice years ago, which has helped her get over those issues.

“You know, one of the things I remember about Vince is… I remember him telling me sometimes, ‘Don’t take yourself too serious.’ I would be so into wanting to be perfect, and if something didn’t go right, I really would beat myself up. He is one of the first to want greatness from you. I think he saw one time, he went to tell me backstage… I had done something out in the ring, I didn’t even know I’d actually messed up on something.’

“He went to tell me about it when I came through the curtain, and he was very serious with me, and immediately I started tearing up because I don’t like to mess up. That’s my whole childhood thing. I was bullied and I was always in trouble so it just kinda brings it up in me. Immediately I started tearing up like, ‘Oh my God, I’ve messed up. What have I done? I’ve disappointed, I don’t like to disappoint people.’

“I remember that he just kinda stopped and said, ‘Hey Lil. Relax. I just wanna make you better so I’m just gonna give you some advice and give you my two cents.’ That really did stick with me and I started taking things less personal and a little bit more like, ‘Hey, they’re just trying to make me better.”

Starting next Monday, October 26th, “Chasing Glory” will begin airing on the WWE Network.