Linda McMahon Looks Sad In Photo After Vince Affair

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Vince McMahon’s wife Linda McMahon was recently spotted at the WWE Hall of Fame 2024 ceremony.



Meanwhile, former WWE writer Vince Russo took to his Twitter/X and posted the following:

“Somebody has to say this, so as always—I MIGHT AS WELL BE THE ONE!!!

Throughout my lifetime I have held many jobs. Yes—there was and is LIFE Before and After Wrestling (Even though you wouldn’t know that if you were in Philly this weekend). During that time I’ve had many bosses. I have gone on record as saying that perhaps Linda McMahon was the best boss I ever had—she was certainly the Smartest.

With that being said—WHY in the Name of EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY would she have shown up at last night’s WWE Hall of Fame Ceremonies? WHY?!!!

There can only be one logical reason IMO . . . to Support Vince?!!!

WOW . . . just WOW.”

It has been noted that the 78-year-old has allegedly not lived with his wife for a long time. However, the pair is still legally married and Linda has not been involved with WWE since 2009 when she resigned from her position as CEO to pursue a political career.

We will have to wait and see what their future holds.