Matt Hardy and The Young Bucks reunite in Free The Delete Finale

Matt Hardy’s Free The Delete YouTube series has been building up to something major for the past few weeks. With Hardy’s WWE contract expired, he is now free to go wherever he wants to and as expected, it seems like his future is all elite.



On the final episode of his Free The Delete YouTube series, Matt Hardy was seen talking on a call with someone and he asked them to come to his compound and bury him and his essence – Zenith.

At the end of the episode, a car arrives at the Hardy Compound and from it emerge Matt & Nick Jackson – The Young Bucks. Hardy welcomed “the Bucks of Youth” to his compound and the brothers greeted him back.

This appearance was teased on this week’s Being The Elite YouTube series when the Bucks receive a call from a certain someone at the end of the episode.

Now that this fateful encounter has occurred, there should be no doubt about where Hardy is headed next. All in all, tonight’s episode of Dynamite will be one that you wouldn’t want to miss.

Do you expect Matt Hardy to show up on tonight’s episode of Dynamite? Tell us in the comments!

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