Matt Riddle ‘Horrifying’ Botch On Raw Revealed

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Matt Riddle This week’s edition of WWE Monday Night Raw was truly one for the history books. We saw a new WWE champion crowned as The Hurt Business member Bobby Lashley defeated WWE’s resident A lister ‘The Miz’ to capture his first ever WWE championship. In addition, and also in more somber events we saw a scary looking botch during a match with Riddle and Retribution member Mustafa Ali. In what appeared to of been an supposed Avalanche Backstabber went awry as Riddle jumped before Ali could pull him back. Matt Riddle refused this Undertaker ‘fight’ in WWE.’s Sean Ross Sapp took to social media via Twitter to describe the situation with the following tweet: “I dunno what that was but it looked horrifying.”.



Fans also took to social media to access the situation, responding to the tweet sent out by Ross Sapp. One member of the WWE Universe known as HotBurrito9 stated: ” Matt’s greasy hair could’ve ended up getting him hurt. All the weed he’s smoked over years will dull the pain.”

Whereas D_Storms_CO24 tweeted “The crazy part is he’s hit that backstabber before with no issue. Idk what happened this time” and GPort_619 replied by saying that “Either top rope poison rana or backstabber. Glad neither got hurt.”