Sgt. Slaughter Honors His Nephew, WWE Talent Name Changes, Fan Wins Contest

Jill Biden Reveals Truth About Kamala Harris

First Lady Jill Biden recently shared her appreciation for her husband and his supporters Wednesday, after President Joe Biden delivered remarks on his decision...

Russian Fighter Jets Intercepted Before Biden…

It has been noted that the US and Canada intercepted a couple of Russian fighter jets and Chinese H-bombers near Alaska on Wednesday shortly...

– Tampa Bay Online has a story on Zach Belyea, 15, the grand prize winner of WWE’s SummerSlam Reading Jam contest. He won an all-expenses paid trip to Los Angeles to see SummerSlam on August 23rd.



– WWE’s website notes that Sgt. Slaughter attended the funeral of his nephew, Army Ranger Cpl. Benjamin Stephen Kopp, on Saturday. Kopp and his unit attacked a Taliban safe house on July 10th and after several hours of fighting, Kopp was wounded and later died on July 18th. He was participating in his first tour of Afghanistan after two successful excursions in Iraq.

– The official website of WWE’s developmental territory, Florida Championship Wrestling, has updated its roster section. Name changes include: Vance Archer (formerly Lance Hoyt), referee Noah Wilson (Justin King), referee Rod Vista (Rod Zapata), Christoph Herzog (Chris Raaber), Espiral (El Sicodelico), Donny Marlow (Tevita Fifita), Gabriel (DJ Gabriel) and Heath Slater (Sebastian Slater).