Ted DiBiase on Brett Debuting for WWE, His Health, Ric Flair and More

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– WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase Sr. spoke at the Las Vegas Disc Jockey Convention this week. Here are some highlights courtesy of John Lawson:



* He said to make it in wrestling today, you have to be a great athlete and have a lot of charisma. DiBiase used Shelton Benjamin as an example, saying he was a world class athlete but lacked charisma and was released.

* He said that people in Hollywood have tried to get his son Ted DiBiase Jr. to leave WWE and focus on a movie career.

* The Million Dollar Man noted that he needs both knees and one of his hips replaced.

* DiBiase was asked why Ric Flair continued to wrestle until a few years ago. DiBiase noted that Flair still wrestles but the person asking the question had never heard of TNA. DiBiase said Flair was his friend but compared him to Mickey Rourke’s character in The Wrestler.

* He said he believes his son Brett DiBiase will be on WWE’s main roster in six months and that he’s almost recovered from back problems.

Source: F4Wonline.com