The Rock ‘Botched’ Ending Of Major WWE Match

The Rock is one of the best ever, but he is prone to botches like everyone! Kurt Angle revealed on The Kurt Angle Show on that the ending to his match with The Rock at WWE No Way Out 2001 was botched, and The Rock had to redo the finish. Angle said while finishes to matches are key, he believes the match with Rock was still great. The Miz called out The Rock after winning the WWE title.



He said about The Rock selling, “You know, a lot of people think he oversells; that’s why he does it. He oversells because he wants everybody at home, every fan in the arena, twenty thousand people; he wants that little girl at the top of the rafter to see his selling, his face. So, he makes it visible to everybody, and he oversells. That’s the way you’re supposed to do it in pro wrestling. A lot of people undersell. Dwayne had it.”

Angle said that he believes the No Way Out match with The Rock was their best match, even topping No Mercy 2001. He said he spent most of 2001 wrestling The Rock and Steve Austin, and he considered it an honor.

“The Rock was the best, and that’s because he let everybody see his face. A lot of people think that he oversells, but I think he is right on with it. You know, his style is all about selling. That’s what he does best, and that’s why he is so effective. Of course, you know, he can cut a promo better than anybody else, but, you know, the selling in the ring is what sells tickets, and he does it well.

Michael Joseph
Michael Joseph
Michael Joseph is the editor and lead reporter of Wrestling Edge. You can send an email to wrestlingedgeofficial

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