Simone Johnson, the daughter of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson recently took to her Twitter account and posted a new image. She revealed her new look, which seemingly goes with her new WWE ring name. The 20-year-old fourth-generation star was handed the name Ava Raine last month and has since been pushing towards her in-ring debut with the company. The daughter of wrestling legend The Rock showed off her new hairstyle where she has colored the front of her hair red and broken up her traditional black hair to stand out.
You can check out the Tweet below:
— A V A (@AvaRaineWWE) June 12, 2022
Simone Johnson joined The Performance Center back in 2020 and she is the first-ever fourth-generation wrestler. Johnson has had several setbacks with knee injuries throughout her short career, but the recent name change has led to many fans believing that her call-up could be coming soon.
Jim Cornette, on Cornette’s Drive Thru podcast, reacted to the news that Simone Johnson has a new ring name. The former WWE manager was bewildered by the decision and wondered why they would not tell people that she is the daughter of one of the greatest stars in WWE history:
“Her name is not… if she’s not going to use Simone Johnson and they’re not going to use ‘Little Rock’ or ‘Little Pebble’ or ‘Female Pebble’ or whatever, what the f**k is she even there for? She’s the daughter of the most famous wrestler in the goddamn history of the company, now, currently, since he’s the biggest movie star in the world and they’re going to change her name so that you don’t automatically know she’s The Rock’s daughter on the card, but she’s The Rock’s daughter,” asked Cornette.