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During a recent virtual signing event for “Signed by Superstars,” former WWE Superstar Matt Riddle shared insights into his relationships with Triple H and former WWE executive Stephanie McMahon. The “Original Bro” also recounted a humorous incident involving Triple H and a vape pen.



Riddle had high praise for Stephanie McMahon, describing her as a strong, powerful, and beautiful woman. He expressed gratitude that someone of her stature even took notice of him. However, when it came to Triple H, Riddle had more anecdotes to share.

The former WWE Superstar recalled a particular moment during a match when his vape pen accidentally fell out of his pocket and hit Triple H. In response to the unexpected incident, Riddle humorously reassured Triple H with a casual “nothing to see here” remark. Triple H, in good spirits, responded by saying, “That’s what we expect from you, bro.”

Reflecting on his overall experience working with Triple H, Riddle painted a positive picture. He described Triple H as fun, super nice, and understanding. Riddle expressed that he enjoyed collaborating with “The Game” and wished he had a more substantial relationship with him, acknowledging the challenges of connecting with a busy figure like Triple H on show days when everyone is vying for his attention.

 “Honestly Triple H, to me, he was always fun, super nice, understanding. I enjoyed working with Paul a lot. If anything, I wish I had a better relationship, [that] I’d talked to him more, but everybody’s trying to talk to him on days of show.”