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Former President Donald Trump attorney Alina Habba recently claimed that Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices might rule against ex-President Donald Trump precisely to avoid the perception they favor Trump via Mediaite.



Trump appointed three of the nine Supreme Court justices — Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett — more than any other president. However according to Habba, Trump sees that as a disadvantage in his current situation as issues like presidential immunity and the 14th Amendment head to SCOTUS.

On Wednesday night’s edition of Fox News Channel’s The Story with Martha MacCallum, host Martha MacCallum played a clip of Maggie Haberman telling CNN viewers that this is a concern of Trump’s — and Habba confirmed she and Trump do have such a concern:

“MARTHA MACCALLUM: Okay. This is what Maggie Haberman had to say about the three justices that were appointed under President Trump and potential concerns about that. Watch this.

MAGGIE HABERMAN: He has also voiced some concern that a court that has you know, he appointed three of the justices to the Supreme Court and he gave the conservatives a supermajority. He is concerned that they are going to look as if they’re trying not to rule in his favor and might rule against him.

MARTHA MACCALLUM: What do you say about that, Alina?

ALINA HABBA: Yeah, that’s a that’s a concern that he’s voiced to me, he’s voiced to everybody publicly, not privately. And I can tell you that his concern is a valid one.

Republicans are conservative. They get nervous. They, unfortunately, are, sometimes shy away from being pro-Trump because they feel that even if the law’s on our side, they may appear to be swayed, much like the Democratic side would do. Right?

So they’re trying so hard to look neutral that sometimes they make the wrong call. And I just encourage them to really look at the law and the Constitution.

It’s a very clean cut, Martha, there, there’s no, there’s no politics that should be involved in this. It’s just simply American. And if the justices read the law, as I do, as as most Americans and attorneys do, even Dershowitz, who’s a known liberal, it’s just a simple decision and it should have nothing to do with if you’re a Republican or a Democrat.

So I don’t know. It’s Maggie. I’m a friend. I’m a friend of Maggie’s, even though we’re on different sides of the coin. But she’s right. The president’s always concerned about people worrying about that.”