Trump Destroyed By Female Heckler In Video: ‘She’s Back!’

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Former President Donald Trump’s rally in Laconia, New Hampshire was marred by repeated interruptions from hecklers, protesters, and a QAnon chant on Monday via Mediaite.



Protesters and hecklers interrupted the rally, shouting at the former president while his supporters shouted back. Trump looked visibly irritated by the disruptions.

After Trump was heckled just a few minutes later, Trump sighed and stuck his tongue out, before shouting, “She’s back! She’s back!”

As the woman was seemingly escorted from the venue, Trump said, “She’s going home now. Where have you been, darling? You know we don’t have that like we used to. We used to have it all the time.”

At another point during the rally, another individual could be seen being escorted from the venue as members of the audience shouted, “Loser!” and “Bye bye!”

Later on in the rally, Trump’s remarks were also interrupted by his own supporters, who called on him to free the January 6 Capitol riot prisoners and made QAnon chants.

“Where we go one, we go all!” screamed one man in the audience – a slogan for supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory – as Trump smiled and nodded.

“Free the J6’ers!” a women then yelled, prompting Trump to point at her and reply, “We will.”