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Mary Trump, former President Donald Trump’s niece, has expressed concerns about the possibility of her uncle selling classified documents and suggested that he should be kept under “constant surveillance” by the FBI. In a live Q&A session for her newsletter subscribers, Mary Trump speculated about the potential auctioning of sensitive documents by the former president, citing it as a “probability.”



During the session, Mary Trump responded to a viewer’s question, stating that it was not only possible but likely that Donald Trump would use the proceeds from a fraud judgment to auction off classified documents to the highest bidder. She emphasized the need for deep concern over the possibility that her uncle might still possess highly classified documents, which could be sold, potentially putting national security at risk.

Later in the Q&A, another viewer asked whether there was “probable cause” to keep Donald Trump under constant surveillance, given the security risk he might pose. Mary Trump expressed her belief that there is a strong case for constant surveillance, given the concerns about the former president potentially withholding or selling classified documents.

Mary Trump highlighted the importance of monitoring Trump’s communications, suggesting that tapping his phones and employing various surveillance measures would be necessary to ensure that he has not retained any sensitive information. She stressed the need for the FBI to take proactive steps to understand who Trump is in contact with and to prevent any potential risks associated with classified materials.

These statements from Mary Trump reflect her ongoing concerns about the actions and potential risks posed by her uncle, particularly in relation to classified information. The suggestion of keeping Donald Trump under constant surveillance underscores the heightened scrutiny and skepticism surrounding his post-presidential activities.

QUESTION: Okay. From Robin. And we’re going to be done in four minutes, so try to get a couple in. From Robin and Mary, does the FBI have probable cause to keep Donald Trump under constant surveillance, given the security risk he now poses?

MARY TRUMP: I would certainly think so. I mean, my goodness gracious. Who, who more than him should be kept under constant surveillance?

Because if–. They can’t possibly believe that he’s turned over all of those documents that he stole. I mean. They should be tapping his phones. They should be doing everything in their power to make sure they know who he’s in touch with, what he’s trying to sell, and all that other, stuff.