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Donald Trump has a habit of mixing up details. He has time and again called President Obama as President Biden. There are many other instances where he has done the same, but it looks like he doesn’t want to stop doing this.



On Monday, Trump campaigned in New Hampshire. He registered for a photo-op while registering for the State’s primary and later addressed a rally at the New England Sports Center in Derry.

While there were many moments in the Derry speech, the most notable being when Trump misidentified Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban as “leader of Turkey.” He then went out to appreciate the authoritarian for his remarks.

The world is exploding. If you take a look. I mean, the whole world is exploding. You know, I was very honored. There’s a man. Viktor Orban. Did anyone ever hear of him? It’s probably like one of the strongest leaders anywhere in the world. And he is the leader of (audience member shouts) Right? He’s the leader of Turkey.

Fronts on both Russia, fronts on both Russia. Yeah. You could sit down. Well, be here for a little while. You got plenty of time with that. I’m very honored that you’re all standing, but sit down. They’ll be standing in a couple of minutes as soon as we say some of the things they like. Because they’re waiting. They’re waiting for that.

But Viktor Orban, and he’s the head of Hungary and he runs it tough let me tell you, he runs it properly. He runs it strong with crime and everything else. He runs it strong and he doesn’t let terrorists into his country.

According to Mediaite, Trump leaves no moment to take the credit for his words. He went ahead and called out the similarity between us and U.S. and credited himself for finding this similarity. It’s funny to note that Trump has done some things that can’t be called right, and this mixup of names tops the list.

Do you know of any other such instance? Sound off in the comments.