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Former President Donald Trump has continued to oppose the fact that he must post bond before appealing Judge Arthur Engoron’s ruling in the New York State fraud case against Trump on Thursday via Mediaite.



It was only last month that Engoron slapped Trump with a huge bond and he must pay hundreds of millions of dollars in civil penalties for exaggerating the worth of his business’s assets and would need to post bond to appeal the decision.

Earlier this week, Trump’s lawyers announced that he would not be able to pay bond, calling it a “practical impossibility” and asking a New York Appeals Court to allow Trump to appeal before ponying up the cash.

On Tuesday, Trump embarked on an extended rant about the bond, insisting he shouldn’t “have to put up any money” until after he gets “a chance to Appeal his [Engoron’s] crazed ruling.”

He expanded on these thoughts on Truth Social Thursday, complaining that the figure chosen by Engoron came out of “THIN AIR.”

“Even though I did nothing wrong, a Radical Left New York Judge, a true Trump Hater, Arthur Engoron (Are we allowed to speak about his Unconstitutional Gag Order?), picked a number out of THIN AIR, $355,000,000, plus interest (reminiscent of John Lovitz, ‘The Liar,’ on SNL when it was good), & wants me to bond it, which is not possible for bonding companies to do in such a high amount, before I can even Appeal,” wrote Trump.

That is CRAZY! If I sold assets, and then won the Appeal, the assets would be forever gone. Also, putting up money before an Appeal is VERY EXPENSIVE. When I win the Appeal, all of that money is gone, and I would have done nothing wrong. The Crooked Judge, who has already been overturned 4 times on this case (a record!), fully understands this,” he continued. “He gave us a demand which he knows is impossible to do. This Witch Hunt, between a bad Judge and a Corrupt & Racist Attorney General, is horrible for New York. Businesses are FLEEING, while Violent Crime flourishes. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”