Videos: Corey Graves burns Tom Phillips on-air for Instagram DM’ing scandal

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On yesterday’s (Tues. May 2, 2017) episode of WWE 205 Live, Corey Graves burned Tom Phillips on-air by mentioning his Instagram scandal in which he was DM’ing a female fan. Back in February, a female fan Tweeted a screenshot of a message Phillips sent her, in which he said:



“I’m in my seat with a massive erection. And a 4 hours flight ahead. I’m going to face f–k the s–t out of you.”

During a match between Noam Dar defeat Rich Swann Phillips referred to Dar as a “Euro-trash pervert”, to which Graves responded with:

“It’s not like Dar was sending DMs on Instagram to people that he shouldn’t have been. There’s nothing embarrassing about what he’s done. He simply stole the heart of a beautiful woman from Cedric Alexander, who was neglectful, didn’t show Alicia Fox the attention she truly deserved.”

Phillips then commented on how Dar was a terrible boyfriend to Alicia Fox, and Graves again hit Tom with a zinger by saying:

“It’s a lot longer flight than four hours for Dar.”

LMFAO @WWEGraves has no chill! I love it:

(quotes via Wrestling Inc.)