This new column features an “alternate” fictional timeline of the WWE then ‘F” from early 1998 until March of the year of our Lord, 2001. One article per day, Monday through Friday.
The “What If” of this series focuses upon, “What if Shawn Michaels never injured his back in 1998?”
Titan Towers, February 11, 1998: The office is dark and gloomy, much like the weather outside. Vince McMahon, chairman of the WWF, is seated behind his $20,000 desk when Shawn Michaels, followed by Steve Austin walk into his office.
Twenty or so minutes into their meeting it is confirmed: Shawn Michaels will defeat Steve Austin at WrestleMania 14 and retain his WWF championship. After all, as Shawn tells Vince and Steve – “I’m the best thing in this company. If I don’t keep my title, I’ll leave just like Bret, and I am one hundred percent sure that Eric Bischoff is just dying to sign ol’ HBK. If that happens where will you be Vin Man?” Vince cannot say a word. Shawn is right. If Shawn leaves for WCW, WWF is doomed. “Alright Shawn, whatever you want”, says Vince with a lump in his throat.
Shawn has done it. He’s played Vince like a flute. Steve Austin isn’t happy. “Alright Vince, I trust your decision on this… You sign my checks… Let’s do it. Hey kid, let’s let it be a good one”, Steve tells Shawn staring him square between the eyes. The intensity in the room is so high, you could cut it with a knife.
WRESTLEMANIA 14 (the main event) Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin – It’s a grueling match but in the end, Shawn Michaels wins and retains his WWF world title.
As Steve Austin walks back through the curtain, Vince is waiting.
Vince: “Steve…”
“Ah, ah Vince. Save it. I know what I said, but this ain’t right. Tomorrow night, you can take your Stone Cold gimmick and shove it. Steve Austin is going to become Stunning again, and he’s showing up on Monday Nitro”. Before Vince can say a word, Steve storms away.
“Steve!” Vince is fuming. He is about to blow it. If he loses Steve Austin (his second biggest attraction in WWF) what will happen to the WWF? WCW is destroying WWF in the Monday night ratings war. At least Vince has Shawn Michaels as his WWF world champion, and DX to back him up. But will that be enough moving forward?
More next time…