Wrestling Legend believes WWE should turn Roman Reigns heel or fire him

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Everybody has their opinion on what WWE should do with Roman Reigns and many believe that pushing him down in the card is the way to get him cheered.



However, there are others who strongly believe that the former World Champion should be turned heel and it appears that wrestling legend Bobby Fulton is one of them.

During a recent interview on Pancakes & Powerslams podcast, Fulton commented on the status of the Big Dog and said that the company should either turn him heel or fire him:

“If he can’t get over as a babyface and the people are booing him, fire him! Get rid of him or turn him heel. He’s not getting the job done. It is plain and simple! They gotta make a change somewhere. People just ain’t buying Roman Reigns.”

What do you think is the right way to handle Roman Reigns after his losses to Brock Lesnar? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.