WWE Asking Fans To Compare The Main Roster Product To NXT’s Product In A Survey

WWE issued a survey to fans asking about NXT and what they liked about the brand. They then asked them to rank the enjoyment factor of the same aspects for the main roster.



Also in the survey, WWE asked fans whether the main roster or NXT did a better at the following:

*Seeing good rivalries/match-ups

*Feeling part of a large group of passionate fans

*Getting an appropriate amount of surprises

*Being amazed

*Being amused

*Being entertained

*Having a great show to watch with family

*Having a great show to watch with friends

*Seeing a wide variety of Divas

*Seeing enough of my favorite Divas

*Watching athletic moves and maneuvers

*Seeing the quality of in-ring wrestling I want

*Hearing compelling dialogue/promos

*Getting the right mix of unique characters

*Seeing a wide variety of Superstars

*Watching interesting stories play out

*Seeing enough of my favorite Superstars

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