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Bobby Fulton, a highly respected veteran in the world of wrestling, recently shared his experience of battling throat cancer, a condition he was diagnosed with in 2017.



With a wrestling career that started at the young age of 16 in 1977, Fulton’s contributions to the sport extend beyond his limited WWE appearances. He has made a name for himself by competing in various wrestling promotions globally, and alongside Tommy Rogers, his tag team partner in The Fantastics, has won multiple titles, making them one of the most influential duos in the business.

During a conversation with Bill Apter of Sportskeeda Wrestling, Bobby Fulton recounted his cancer diagnosis and battle. He shared that when he first began experiencing discomfort in his throat, he sought medical attention, but was assured by his doctor that he was healthy. However, when he started coughing up blood, he immediately sought an appointment with an ENT specialist.

“It probably started in 2017. I started having problems on this side of my throat [right], and I went to a doctor, and he said, ‘there’s nothing wrong with you; you’re fine. Let me give you a shot, and you’ll be alright next week.’ But it finally got to where I was spitting up blood. Whenever you’re spitting blood, there’s a serious problem. I went to my doctor and asked him to refer me to an ENT specialist. He said, ‘I refuse to give you a recommendation. You’re not going.’ That time, I jumped up in his face and got about this far from his nose. We had a pretty heavy argument, and his office manager said, ‘I will send the referral now.’

So I got the referral, and I got in there; they told me I had cancer. I had a tumor from my ear to my throat, the size of a baked potato. They told my son, Jarron, he was there with me then, he came up and was staying with me. Long story short, I went in, I had treatments, I had radiation, and I had chemotherapy. I have a safety spring in my throat. After all that went down, I was sitting at home one morning, and I woke up with a mouth full of blood; I spit it out. I didn’t know an artery had ruptured in my throat

They said when that busted, you only have six minutes to live. But I lived an hour after that and got the procedure done. A safety spring is now in my throat, holding my arteries together. I don’t know if you have seen it, but I have scars all around my body because of radiation and chemotherapy. And Bill, I almost died about six times. What people say is you should be dead and the doctors say you should be dead