WWE Main Event Report – Sheamus vs. The Miz

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– Tonight’s WWE Main Event opens up from Fayetteville, North Carolina with Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton. We go to the ring and out comes The Miz for a MizTV segment.



Miz says this is historic because MizTV is live on the WWE Network for the first time. He says LeBron James isn’t the only Cleveland star who has an announcement. Miz reads off a letter mocking LeBron’s letter. Miz goes on and instead of saying he’s awesome, he says… “I’m a star.” WWE United States Champion Sheamus makes his way out with a mic. They have words and Sheamus goes to hit a Brogue Kick but Miz escapes to the floor.

– We go back to the announcers to hype WWE Battleground. Still to come, Kofi Kingston and Big E vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel. We go to commercials.

Emma vs. Cameron

We come back and Emma makes her way out. Naomi is on commentary. Cameron comes out next and they have words before locking up.

Emma ends up getting the roll up on Cameron for the win.

Winner: Emma

– Naomi comes in after the match but Cameron heads to the back.

Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. Kofi Kingston and Big E

We come back from a break and Ryback is out first with Curtis Axel. Big E is out next followed by Kofi Kingston. Kofi starts things off with Axel and they go at it.

Ryback and Big E end up tagging in and going at it. Ryback beats him down in the corner. Kofi and Big E end up cleaning house and sending their opponents to the floor as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Big E comes in to run over Axel. Big E runs the ropes and nails the big splash. Big E signals for the Big Ending but Axel rolls to the floor. Big E decks Ryback on the floor but Axel hits him from behind and brings it back in the ring. Ryback tags in and they double team Big E. Lots more back and forth and tags. The end sees Kofi get the pin for his team after everyone gets involved.

Winners: Big E and Kofi Kingston

– We get a look at Sting being in the WWE 2K15 video game.

– We also get a look back at RAW.

– Renee Young talks to The Miz backstage about tonight’s main event. More Network commercials.

Sheamus vs. The Miz

We come back for tonight’s non-title main event. They lock up and go at it to start the match. Sheamus with an early shoulder that sends Miz down in the corner. More time wasting by Miz. He ducks another shot and goes to the floor as fans boo him. Miz comes back in and goes to work on Sheamus. Miz unloads in the corner but Sheamus comes fighting right back.

Miz avoids the forearm shots to the chest at one point and escapes to the floor again. Miz gets a cheap shot coming back in the ring and unloads on Sheamus again. Sheamus runs into a big boot. Miz nails the big clothesline in the corner. Miz goes to the top but Sheamus decks him in mid-air. Sheamus tosses Miz to the apron and hits the forearm shots to the chest. Miz wastes more time and runs around the ring. Sheamus clubs him on the floor. Miz ends up dropkicking Sheamus off the apron. Miz throws him into the barrier and goes back in to wait on the count out. More back and forth in the ring. Sheamus blocks the DDT. Sheamus with more offense. The stuff with Miz continuously protecting his face is getting old already. Miz blocks a Brogue Kick but Sheamus rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

– After the match, we go to replays as Sheamus looks on from the ring. Main Event goes off the air.