WWE Superstars Report – March 18th

WWE Superstars Report – March 18th, 2010
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider



We start off tonight’s show with a look at the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Match Number One: Kane versus Shelton Benjamin

The briefcase is above the ring since both men are in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania.

Benjamin tries to stay away from Kane at the start of the match but Benjamin with a side head lock. Kane with a shoulder tackle and Benjamin goes to the apron. Kane with a waist lock take down and Benjamin with a reversal on the mat and he keeps Kane on the mat. Benjamin with a front face lock but Kane backs Benjamin into the turnbuckles and punches Benjamin. Kane with a snap mare and drop kick for a near fall. Kane sends Benjamin shoulder first into the turnbuckles as he continues to work on Shelton’s arm. Kane with an arm bar. Kane with an Irish whip but he misses the charge into the corner. Benjamin does not miss the Stinger Splash and gets a near fall after a cross body. Benjamin with a side head lock but Kane with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold and Kane gets a near fall. Kane returns to the arm bar but Benjamin with punches to get out of the hold. Kane with an Irish whip and when Benjamin tries to float over he is stopped by Kane who tries for the choke slam but Benjamin escapes. Kane with an uppercut and then he goes up top. Benjamin leaps to the turnbuckles and he knocks Kane to the floor. Benjamin with an Arabian press onto Kane and both men are down as we go to commercial.

We are back and Benjamin with a reverse chin lock but Kane gets to his feet and he punches Benjamin. Benjamin with punches of his own but he runs into a big boat and Kane gets a near fall. Kane tries for a power slam but Benjamin gets to the apron and then he sends Kane into the turnbuckles and hits a bulldog from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Kane hits a side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top and hits the flying clothesline and then he gets ready for the choke slam but Benjamin holds on to the ropes. Kane with a kick but Benjamin with a DDT to counter a back body drop. Benjamin can only get a two count as Kane kicks out. Benjamin tries for Paydirt but Kane pushes him off. Benjamin with a dragon whip to Kane but Kane with an uppercut and then he hits the choke slam for the three count.
Winner: Kane

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Wrestlemania Recall of Pete Rose’s appearance in 1998.

It is time for the Raw half of the show and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

Katie Lea tells everyone that she has psychic powers and she will predict that she and Jillian are about to beat the Bellas. Jillian interrupts and ‘sings’.

Match Number Two: Katie Lea Burchill and Jillian Hall versus The Bella Twins

Katie and Nikki start off but Katie with a side head lock and then she pulls Nikki down by the hair and gets a near fall. Katie with a slam but she misses an elbow drop. Nikki with a wrist lock and then he uses the turnbuckles for an arm drag. Brie is tagged in and Nikki with a double sledge followed by a sunset flip by Brie. Katie with a kick and forearm. Katie sends Brie into the turnbuckles but Katie misses a charge into the corner. Brie with a flying mare. Jillian tags in and kicks Brie but Brie with a kick and forearm followed by an Irish whop. Brie with an Irish whip and Nikki tags in and they hit a double clothesline for a near fall. Jillian with forearms followed by an Irish whip but Nikki with an elbow. Katie is kicked off the apron and Jillian with an Electric Chair drop to counter a victory roll but Jillian can only get a near fall. Jillian tosses Nikki by the hair and then tags Katie back in. Katie with a kick to the midsection followed by a back breaker for a near fall. Katie with a seated abdominal stretch. Jillian tags back in and she grabs Nikki by the hair and then slams her head into the mat. Jillian misses a leg drop and Brie tags in and hits a few drop kicks followed by a flying clothesline and leap frog neck snap. The Bellas with a double team move but Katie breaks up the corner. Katie is sent to the floor. Brie counters an X Factor and gets the three count with a rollup.
Winners: The Bella Twins

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound

Match Number Three: Jack Swagger, William Regal, and Zack Ryder with Rosa Mendes versus Christian, Yoshi Tatsu, and Mark Henry

Ryder and Yoshi start things off and Ryder with a knee and side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle. Yoshi tries for a hip toss but Ryder blocks it. Yoshi with kicks to Ryder and then he works on the wrist and tags in Christian. Christian goes up top and hits an elbow to the arm and he continues to work on the arm but Swagger tags in. Christian tags in Mark Henry to deal with Swagger as the All American American faces the Olympian. Swagger with a forearm to the back and a side head lock. Henry with a shoulder tackle and then he head butts Swagger in the corner. Henry pulls Ryder into the ring but Swagger hits Henry from behind and they try for a double suplex on Henry but Henry blocks it and hits a double suplex of his own. Yoshi and Christian clothesline Swagger to the floor and then Christian knocks Regal to the floor. Henry press slams Ryder onto Swagger on the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and things have calmed down with Regal and Christian in the ring. Regal works on the arm and Christian with a side head lock. Christian with a snap mare and a running forearm to Regal for a near fall. Regal with forearms and a kick to Christian and then he tags in Swagger who hits a spinebuster. Yoshi makes the blind tag and he hits a spin kick from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Yoshi with forearms to Swagger but Swagger sends Yoshi into the ropes and Regal with a knee to Yoshi. Ryder tags in and he connects with a forearm followed by a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Ryder with a reverse chin lock on Yoshi and Ryder with a back heel trip before tagging in Regal. Yoshi tries to connect with a forearm and kick but Regal with knees and forearms. Regal with a back elbow to Yoshi and then he hits a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Swagger tags in and he punches Yoshi in the corner. Regal and Ryder with kicks while the referee admonishes Swagger. Swagger sends Yoshi into the turnbuckles and then he connects with shoulders. Swagger with a hard Irish whip and then he tries for the leaping Vader Splash but Yoshi gets his knees up. Christian and Ryder tag in and Christian with punches and then he runs into an elbow from Ryder. Christian with a flap jack when Ryder comes off the turnbuckles. Christian with a slingshot to the floor and then he punches Ryder. Christian with a back elbow to Swagger who tries to interfere. Christian sends Regal to the floor and then Christian goes up top but Ryder tries to stop him. Christian knocks Ryder to the mat and then he misses a cross body. Ryder with a neck breaker for a near fall and then he sets for the leaping leg lariat but Christian with a sit out power bomb. All six men are in the ring until Yoshi and Henry take care of things. Christian with the pendulum kick and then he hits the corkscrew back elbow and the Killswitch for the three count.
Winners: Christian, Mark Henry, and Yoshi Tatsu

We go to credits.

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