Bayley Breaks Silence On ‘Mysterious’ WWE Hiatus

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Bayley has been off of Smackdown for weeks and is not booked for WrestleMania 37 despite being one of WWE’s top female stars, but she has broken her silence and revealed she will be doing virtual meet and greets for WWE this weekend. WWE ‘Disrespected’ Jeff Hardy Before WrestleMania.



Bayley warned fans on Twitter, “Dear virtual meet and greeters, If anyone of you sheep say that you ‘miss me’……I will hang up on you and keep all of your money!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha.”

Curt Hawkins discussed his own fear of missing WrestleMania in a new interview. Hawkins and Zack Ryder won the WWE Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania 35 to end his losing streak storyline.

“Oh, three days? Four days maybe, at the most,” Hawkins told Fightful of the notice he was given of his WrestleMania 35 match. “We left that RAW, six days out, we weren’t even sure that we’d have the match or if that was really happening. It was kind of a—not to steal from another podcast—it was rumor and innuendo. No one had told us officially or anything.

I’m pretty sure we were at an Axxess appearance or something and our phones started to blow up that someone had gotten the program and it was in that thing of all the matches and stuff on it. Maybe later that day the producer contacted us like, ‘Hey, I got your match. It’s happening.’ So, it was very, very last minute. I want to say Matt and I were sitting together at the signing for Axxess and it was like Twitter, everything, all the above. It was all happening at the same time.”

He added about the streak, “I say this to people all the time, I embraced the streak so much and it was honestly so much fun. It was like a magic trick. I took the politics out of pro wrestling and that’s impossible otherwise, right? Everyone’s showing up hoping like, ‘Oh, I hope this is the day. Am I gonna get a push? Am I gonna get a win? This or that.’ I literally took all that out of my life.

I’d show up and be like, ‘What’s this guy’s finisher? Oh, awesome. I’m going to take it the best I possibly can ‘cause that’s literally my job now, ‘cause I’ve completely embraced this streak.’ It was so much fun. So, what I would try not to do, and I never really did, was think about how it would end. ‘Cause I felt like I would just drive myself crazy and I was really enjoying it. So, what’s the point? So, I never could have conjured this all up.”