Dominik Mysterio gets a message from Triple H on his WWE debut

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Dominik Mysterio fell short of avenging his father Rey Mysterio at WWE SummerSlam 2020 against Seth Rollins. But his defeat to the Monday Night Messiah takes nothing away from the brilliant performance he put up in his in-ring debut.



The Architect had taken out his father’s eyes at The Horror Show in WWE Extreme Rules back in July. Dominik exceeded everyone’s expectations as he stepped out to take revenge on Rollins. He even got a reaction from Triple H on Twitter, although The Game’s social media team managed to botch it up the first time around.

Triple H reacts to Dominik Mysterio debut

The initial tweet from Triple H had tagged a wrong twitter handle by mistake, because of which it was taken down minutes after it was posted.

A new and corrected tweet went up soon afterwards with Dominik’s real Twitter account this time. The message, however, was the same both times.

“Amazing performance in your DEBUT match at #SummerSlam. #RESPECT

The match between Rollins and Dominik had all that a Street Fight promises – chairs, tables, kendo sticks, and even a handcuff. Dominik made his father, Rey Mysterio, promise before the match that he would not get involved no matter what happened.

Rey tried But Rey could not stop himself from intervening when he saw Murphy trying to hurt Dominik’s eyes against the steel steps the same way Rollins took Rey’s eyes out a month ago.

But Rollins soon handcuffed Rey to the rope, rendering him helpless. Dominik tried to get closer to his father after a failed frog splash, but Rollins stopped him with a victorious Curb Stomp.

Despite losing his debut at WWE SummerSlam, Dominik showed promise and managed to keep the fight well-balanced for a better part of the match. He even turned the tables on Rollins from their last encounter and beat him up with the kendo stick.

The WWE Universe is certainly going to keep a keen eye on him from now on.

Surprises at WWE SummerSlam

WWE SummerSlam 2020 lived up to its tagline “You’ll never see it coming” with a few surprises. Among other, Roman Reigns made a shocking return.

He showed up after Bray Wyatt’s The Fiend defeated Braun Strowman to win the Universal Championship title. He hit Wyatt with a spear and unleashed brutal beating on Strowman as well. It is reported that his return had been kept a secret even from the WWE Superstars.

Although not confirmed, it is likely that Reigns will feature in the Universal title picture going forward.