The Iron Sheik Goes On Long 1000th Raw Twitter Rant

The Iron Sheik posted the following comments during last night’s 1000th episode of WWE Raw.



who watch the #wwe #raw tonight? I be happy to make the 1000 for the boss kennedymcmahon. he no jabroni like fucking virgil

the Rick nash like the Steve nash want to party in the big apple. hope he handle the moderation of the a to the z #teamsheikie

happy birthday to intelligent jew the @Rosenbergradio he respect the wrestling he no jabroni

I watch the monday night raw tonight I chill out have cold beer

The damien sandow not ready for the dx he get humbled old country way #teamsheikie

The slick is my black brother. He one of my favorite manager ever. He not like the dumb fuck Virgil #raw1000

Jim Ross I love him forever #raw1000

Dolphin Ziggler the real next generation #raw1000

Sheikie baby new raw gm #teamsheikie #raw1000

I am the teacher of the Bret hart

Jim Duggan I beat the fuck out of him if I want

i be in next royal rumble to fuck up the santino

slick the real not like the OJ Simpson #teamsheikie #raw1000

what the fuck is the umpa lumpa?

brock lesnar the real

you respect the Sheikie baby then you buy the Iron Sheik t shirt otherwise you are worse than umpa lumpa #teamsheikie

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